Hi, my name is Daniel Ryan and I've been involved with Network Marketing (with mixed success) for just on 2.5 years now.
It took me 2 struggling years to realise that my first company was not for me and I finally made the decision to move on. I'm now with a company that I love but there's still the issue of it taking time to build the residual income that we all want so dearly.
It was for that reason I looked for a complimentary online business that wouldn't interfere with my MLM business but would provide extra cashflow so that I could build my MLM business quicker.
Also, this would be something for my MLM downline to do as well so that they have more cash to fund their MLM business until it starts paying relatively good income.
If this situation sounds familiar to you, then maybe you could benefit from having a look at my NON-MLM business:
Together, the businesses are working very well for me and it can for you too.
Have a great day and here's to your success.
Daniel Ryan