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The war in the middle east
8/8/2006 11:59:26 PM
Hello my friends, This is sent from our friend mariyln, TO KATHY AND TO OUR ADLAND COMMUNITY, Please pass this message on to everyone. Our Blessed Lady has appealed for prayers. Let us pray to save OUR WORLD NOW! PLEASE FORWARD THIS URGENT MESSAGE TO ALL. >> >> >> >> IVAN IS ONE OF THE 4 PEOPLE IN MEDUGORJE TO WHOM THE VIRGIN MARY >> >>APPEARS. >> >> >> >> Message from the Virgin Mary in Medugorje to Ivan: >> >> >> >> The war in the middle east will get worse and reach the rest of >> >> the world. >> >> >> >> To stop it, people should pray every minute and fast. >> >> Priests should open the doors of their churches and invite people >> >> to pray the rosary and intense prayers. >> >> >> >> Pray pray pray >> >> >> >> God bless u. Marilyn
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
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Re: The war in the middle east
8/9/2006 1:10:31 AM

Thank you Kathy.....

The war in the middle east is a terrible thing.  Peace is very much needed.  But it's out of our hands.

Although I do not agree with all of these "sightings" of Mary.....I do pray for peace for these people.  

It is written that peace will only come when Jesus - The prince of peace ....returns.


~ Drummerboy Keep on thinking positive…..thank God for everything that’s good in your life……..and make it a great week!

Flag of Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Re: The war in the middle east
8/9/2006 1:56:57 AM
Hello Kathy,

Thank you for the invitation.

People may pray for better days, yes.
But if Holy Virgin appears to Ivan telling him this war will be worse and reach the rest of the world wich I also believe then prayers are not going to help to stop the war.

Tis war is a war between good and bad. Where are the rich Arabic countries. Which side do they support.

People have to decide in what way they will take part. Depending on how people are going to take part they will be treated. This war comes from the prophecies and the second appearence of Jesus.

Many people are getting such messages from the Above Powers. It is not question of Christianity only. All religions are involved and they play an active role.

This is the last period of an era. Many pseudo-prophets will come and tell us about Truth, but Truth is one GODS WORD. God gave us brain to use. God in in everyone. Use your brain make your own conclusions and decisions.

Old countries will disappear or lose their power. The real winner will be the Truth and Gods Word. They who act for other purposes will be on same side as Antichrist and they will be the big losers. Jesus and the Archangels on one side and Antichrist (Satan) and his forces with all his alliens on the other side.

Question is PEOPLE WHERE ARE YOU STANDING. Let your soul and your inner inspiration and faith control you. Not the empty words of your leaders. They are supposed to act in accourdance to Gods Word, but they don't. They act only for own winnings and more power against Gods will. STAY WITH GOD tell them your meaning. Let them understand your  part of this.

Christ In you With you

Make your choise while you have the time.

Best Regards

ETERNAL WISDOM-Know ThySelf, PHILOXENIA MetaCafe, Adlanders In Facebook
Flag of Kathy Hamilton

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Re: The war in the middle east
8/9/2006 2:01:02 AM
YOUR awesome, Minister to all of us,you preach very good,reach deep into our souls and make everyone hear you loud and clear!!!!Kathy/simikathy
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Flag of Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Re: The war in the middle east
8/9/2006 3:38:20 AM
Hello Kathy,

Your last messages convinced me to be active. I am not afraid and not scared to lose "friends" and hear "prieches".

Everything is set up after a MYSTIC PLAN. Few very deep religious and people of Gods Power know this plan. There will be a new topic I my The Mysteries - Unknown Truth forum under the title MYSTIC PLAN.

I will make a presentation of the Mystical Plan. For the moment I have it in Greek. More than 600 pages and notes will be translated from Greek into English.

Warm Regards

ETERNAL WISDOM-Know ThySelf, PHILOXENIA MetaCafe, Adlanders In Facebook

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