Un-canny how you are on the same track as me occasionally.
Fol (our beloved mutt) and I just returned form our 5:30 AM 5 mile walk throught the Orchards.
The Almonds are just starting to open and we'll probably begin harvest in 2 weeks. The chill is starting to set , but we have some more scorching weather coming in Septemeber.
Regarding FAILURE.
This morning a nice Doe was walking through the orchard ahead of us. Fklo is no Dummy,, she knows she can't catch a Deer, but she dashed off in pursuit, chased for probably 3 minutes and eventually came back, tail wagging and a happy grin on her face.
What's the point, someone may ask. SHE DID SOMETHING!
A real longshot for sure, she failed, but she won!. Something was attempted and she got close.
Her success is enjoying life, pleasing us with her antics and staying in shape.
Thanks for your inspiration