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1 John 5:3-12
8/1/2006 3:35:52 AM
In Touch Daily Devotional by Dr. Charles Stanley Tuesday August 1, 2006 Eternal Life: Do You Want It? 1 John 5:3-12 Good health seems to be on everyone’s mind these days. The latest and greatest fad diets rise to the top of the bestseller lists. Health clubs and nutrition stores pop up all over town — sometimes next door to fast food restaurants! Late-night television is constantly unveiling a flood of gadgets and gizmos, all designed to get you into “the best shape of your life” (and always with the promise of minimal effort and commitment). Why is the health industry such a booming business? It is because most people have an innate desire to live as long as they can. Longevity is a major concern! People want the highest quality life possible, for as long as possible. And yet, this emotional need for a long, robust life is most frequently centered around the physical world. What about life after death? Scripture makes it absolutely clear that eternal life is available to every person on earth. (Romans 10:13) Sickness, disease, and death are all bound to the world; however, everyone in Christ has already overcome the worst this world has to offer — even death (1 John 5:4-5). Despite their emotional appeal, late-night infomercials cannot offer anything to compare with the promise of eternal life. As believers, we should be shouting this message from the rooftops! The people around us are yearning for a word of life, but too many Christians have remained silent. Why? How can we keep secret what God went to such great lengths to reveal? We can live forever! Who in your life needs to hear this amazing truth today?
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Re: 1 John 5:3-12
8/1/2006 5:44:09 AM

Yes, we should be shouting the "GOOD NEWS" everywhere!! Thank you for the refreshing post, great start for my day.

God bless you,

Your Guruette On The Net Marianne McEachern Success Consultant
Re: 1 John 5:3-12
8/1/2006 8:36:27 AM

Hi Kathy,

You make my day. God Bless!

I'm obligated to share this with you and everyone I'm connected too... It's literally saving lives and giving hope back to many sufferers! Including myself :)
Re: 1 John 5:3-12
8/1/2006 11:09:54 AM


A very powerful and truthful message indeed!  And Dr. Charles Stanley has been one of my favorite messengers of the gospel for some time now.

Thank you for sharing!


Flag of The Drummerboy

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Re: 1 John 5:3-12
8/1/2006 11:34:47 AM

Hi Kathy!

Thanks for that inspirational message!  Dr. Stanley has been a cornerstone of religious inspiration to me for years.   He is one of the best!

Anyone who may not be famliar with Dr. Stanley can see his website here:

Another favorite of Steve Brown - people can access all of his online audio files here:

This website here is just plain awesome!  Everyone should check this out and share it with as many friends as possible!

God bless.......

~ Drummerboy Keep on thinking positive…..thank God for everything that’s good in your life……..and make it a great week!


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