
Bogdan Fiedur

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Habit is a cable....
7/27/2006 1:39:17 PM

“Habit is a cable; we weave a thread of it each day, and at last we cannot break it.”

– Horace Mann, educator

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Deborah Skovron

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Re: Habit is a cable....
7/27/2006 2:42:02 PM

Hi Bogdan,

    Isn't that the truth. I don't think there is anything harder to do than break a habit.

   Thank you.


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Judy Smith

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Re: Habit is a cable....
7/27/2006 2:45:28 PM

I always wondered why bad habits are very difficult to BREAK and why good habits can be extremely hard to FORM??  I have learned that daily affirmation work extemely well. 

So, that leads me to another quote.  Who said "As a man thinketh, so is he?" and "If you change your thoughts, you can change your mind."?  So if we weave the thought continuously and consistently for long enough - VOILA!  We have a new habit and maybe even a new person!

Great quote, Bogdan!

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Tom Sparrow

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Re: Habit is a cable....
7/27/2006 3:54:18 PM
Along the same lines as persistence!!! Keep the blinders on, but always peek now and then, work hard everyday, and the payoff is awesome!!! It all starts with a belief in what you do, then simple persistence...never give up your dreams! Have a great day! Tom
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Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Habit is a cable....
7/27/2006 5:12:09 PM

Mr. Mann is not referring to either a good or bad habit.  He is stating that when something becomes a habit, it becomes so ingrained in us that it is automatic.

For example, putting on a seatbelt.  When it became mandatory to have one's seatbelt on, I had to remember to do it.  Now it is a part of the routine of starting the car. It is a habit because I no longer think about doing it.

If I don't consider doing or not doing a specific action it is done purely by habit.

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