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Psycho Test!
7/27/2006 7:34:09 AM

Read this question, come up with  an answer and then scroll down to
bottom for the result. This is not a  trick question. It is as it
reads. No one I 
know has gotten it  right-including me.
A woman, while at the funeral of her own  mother, met this guy whom
he did 
not know. She thought this guy was  amazing, so much her dream guy
she believed 
him to be just that! She fell  in love with him right there, but
never asked 
for his number and could not  find him. A few days later she killed
sister. Question: What is her  motive in killing her sister? (Give
this some thought 
before you answer).  SCROLL DOWN.
Answer: She was hoping that the  guy would appear at the funeral
again. If you answered this correctly, you  think like a psychopath.

This was a test by a  famous American Psychologist  used to test if one has the same mentality as a  killer. Many arrested  serial killers took part in the test and answered the question correctly. 

If you didn't answer the question correctly good for you.  

If you got the answer correct,  please let me know so I can take you
off of my email list unless that will  tick you off, then I'll just be
extra nice to you from now on. LOL!  Be sure to share the  test.


Marilyn L. Ali

Marilyn L Martin
"The ALP & TGAMM Couple"
"Rick & Marilyn Martin...Married 11/17/06"
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Re: Psycho Test!
7/27/2006 7:47:38 AM
no i'm not a nuts, nor have i changed my mind, i just wait for some indication from the Lord when it's right or wrong to act. He takes care of me that way, so i usually know what he wnats me to do.
Re: Psycho Test!
7/27/2006 7:59:57 AM
liar? i judge the right time and what to say the same way i judge where i should sleep each night. and i'm still here after very many of them
Flag of Venerina Conti

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Re: Psycho Test!
7/27/2006 8:01:13 AM

Hello Marilyn .... my dear sister ...

I hate to say it but I guessed that would be the case ... does that make me a psycho? ...

..........or should I just be greatful that all the years studying and the money spent on my Honours psychology degree were well worth it !!! hehehehehe

I am afraid I have to admit the answer was logical to me ... but then criminal psychology has always been a passion of mine .... knowing what makes people snap and just how much they can take before they snap...

Big hugs and much love



Flag of John Rivera

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Re: Psycho Test!
7/27/2006 10:10:26 AM

HI Marilyn

WOW, I guess I'm not psycho!!!  I can up with a different conclusion, so keep me on your list. Great test though.

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