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Safe Network
7/23/2006 5:16:59 AM
Safe Network

Our first tasks are to:
Identify & Get Free From TOXINS

DO replacement buying... Replace what you're now buying with products from companies who produce SAFE products... To enhance doing this Using SAFE Products Process, it's suggested to form home-based business projects around "replacement buying" activities... Attract your family and friends into the fun!!!!

Pay very close attention to external body care products and property cleaning supplies... Whatever brands you now buy, check ingredients on their labels against toxic ingredients listed in links in the Liberty Zone Cafe... If the ingredients aren't listed, do Internet Search to determine if it's truly safe... WARNING: Many ingredients might NOT kill instantly, but over time accumulated toxin results are just as deadly... Most forms of cancers are in this category... I've found very few cleaning products sold in stores to be completely safe... I know that I can trust the companies listed in the SAFE NETWORK to market only products which are safe and of the highest quality...

Products rated as safe are included within the
Solutions Unlimited Portfolio

TOXIC Time Bombs

Being Safe Overview

Water Dangers

Dirty Dozen

To join the Safe Network
(Membership is FREE and Easy)
Send Email:

In Subject Line TYPE: I join the Safe Network
In BODY of the email include your name, postal address, & telephone no.
Re: Safe Network
7/23/2006 5:24:39 AM

I would like to let anyone interested in protecting their health or improving their health more info.  So if your not interested in my opportunity. I understand and would like to give as much info as I can on other ways to reduce these harmful toxins that we expose ourselves each day.

Have a great day!! God Bless
