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Flag of Venerina Conti

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Helpful links for new members - Edited
7/23/2006 4:59:59 AM

Dear New friends, (and veterans)

A very bid warm welcome to AdlandPro ... and thank you for accepting my invitations and thank you for your kind invitations.

I know how daunting it can be when you first arrive at Adland.  Some find
their way around very easily and some find it very difficult.

I have received several private messages from new people asking me about what's around in Adland, so I have compiled a list of useful links.  Not business links because I know you have all found those!!!

I have, also, had the pleasure of chatting with some of you, my
message is ... Please don't give up ... It will get easier the
more you stick around.

To any Adland veterans reading this, please give our new friends some good pointers

This list is being constantly updated with new forums of interest that our dear veteran friends have contributed!!!

Thank you.


Here are some good starting points:

Adland sends out once a month, both a business bulletin newsletter and a community Newsletter, (the latter), which I am proud to be a team member of.  So, any questions. Just ask. 

Here is the link for the Adland newsletter Forum
Adland Community Forum

You can read past and current editions of the newsletter here:
Adland Community Newsletter Blog

Please read the newsletter and participate in this, as it gives us good feedback on what you enjoy and what you may like to see more of in the newsletter.

The forum is run by one of Adland's POTW members, Nan Herring,
she is a wonderful, wonderful lady, warm and caring, so please feel free to invite her as a friend and ask her anything.  She is always willing to help.

Our blog man, here in Adland, is Kenneth Sword, who is also an Adland Advisor and another wonderful, caring, helpful person.  Don't be afraid to ask him any quaestions you may have concerning blogs and blogging.


If you enjoy intellectual topics, the unknown and all kinds of mysteries, knowing where your name derives from, celebrating your birthday in true style, or if you find mythology, history and other brain teasing topics,

Then Please follow this link:
They are the most interesting forums you'll ever find on the Internet
Created by my dear dear friend Georgios Paraskevopoulos

Georgios is an amazing human being.  He is an intellectual mentor to many.
He is one of the most brilliant minds I have come across here in Adland
and is always ready to help anyone in need.  If he is not your friend
then please invite him to be.


Another wonderful person in our community is Marilyn Ali.  She is an amazing
woman that puts beavers to shame!!! hehehehehe ... Marilyn is always
willing to help anyone and it's thanks to her that we have the following forums:
The welcome wagon, which is a good starting point for making new friends.
The weekly parade of stars, where each week someone is honoured.

Of which I am proud to be a team member of.

There are a set of criteria outlined to be chosen as a *star* based
on activity and merits within the community but the system is fair
and honest and you can nominate people of your choice.

Marilyn has other forums of interest:

"Natural Home Health & Herbal Remedies & Emotional Well Being" link is;

"Family, Life, God, etc." Forum link is;

"The Power Of Positive Thinking" Forum link is;

"Inspiration For The Soul" Forum link is;


John Sanchez and LaNell put together the POTW nominations and voting forums.

For all good intentions and purposes, there are a set of criteria outlined for being nominated as POTW,however, just recently more and more members have criticised it as being the private selection of an "elite group" rather than based on the specified qualifying criteria.

Let me please say, that anyone you think is deserving can be nominated.  There is no such thing as an elite group ... We are all Adlanders in AdlandPro and all  members are welcome and deserving.  So, if you truly wish to make a difference then get active in that forum.

Here is the link for the voting ballot:
We are currently on week 54 of the vote.

Here you can see previous winners:
This is a good way to invite new friends and meet some Adland Veterans.


My dear friend Ildiko Dalos, is another wonderful lady here in Adland, who is always ready to help people and who is very "due diligence" minded, invite her to be friends, you will not regret it.

Her suggested forums to find new friends are:

Inviting new members at Adland:

Most active members at Adland:

Most friendly members at Adland:


Jenny suggested this wonderful forum:

Learning About Adland - Parts I and II



Bogdan Fiedur, who is the CEO of Adland has an awesome inspiring forum with daily quotes to set you up and start you off well.  Please do NOT use his forum to post any issues or concerns you may have.  You may send him a PM to that effect.

Here's the link


Raymond Feller - Has created a forum called "For those who need our prayers"
where you can post your prayer for a person in need ... remember positive energy and positive focus sends positive healing to people anywhere and everywhere.


My friend, Robert Talmadge has a great inspirational forum filled with poetry and other interesting topics.  He is very friendly and welcomes new friends at any time.


Anamaria has a great forum and you can find a place there to have a good hearty laugh.
Here is the link:

Anamaria's other forums are:

  1. Do you think this bikini makes me look fat?

    Pure Art! A Forum to share funny, entertainig and artistic things. Do you want to relax, than this is the right place! WELCOME!
  2. Wisdom of Love   For ALL my wonderful friends!
  3. Help Break The Chain...

    MOTTO: Smile, it would be worse! from now on this forum is dedicated to Spread The Word and ACT upon the THINGS TO DO regarding NATURAL RESOURCES DEFFENCE! Fight with me!
  4. my favourite,   ROMANIA     

    I want to introduce you my country, its friendly people and their habits! Hope you'll enjoy the trip!
  5. Spreading Out The Word!

    From now on this Forum is dedicated to give A FREANDLY HAND OF HELP whenever is the case.

Feel free to look among my friends list, you will find some very nice, helpful, people who are willing to help and are just there, even for a chat.

Invite them to be your friends and get to know them.

One other thing ....

Things can go wrong.  There can be glitches etc in the system.  Adland
is adding new and better features for members all the time. Please do not get frustrated with it.  If and when glitches happen, they do not last long, so don't give up.

Should the need arise, Adland offers excellent support for members
with difficulties.  However, please remember that behind support there
is a wonderful human being, called Michael De La Cruz, who works really hard, so please appreciate him.  He will help you all he can.


This is but a short list of good and interesting places to start
your visit here at Adland ... I'm sorry that I could not mention all forums, perhaps I can make successive postings...

Any questions please ask....

Flag of Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Person Of The Week
Re: Helpful links for new members - Veteran members please tell us about your forums
7/23/2006 5:38:44 AM
Hello Venerina,

Thank you for the invitation. I was sure you would set up a forum topic to help our friends find good forums and topics. There are so many now that I seldom find then all.

This forum topic will be another success of yours. To understand my way of thinking I will dedicate a poem to you. I treat all my best friends with a spiritual sense.

I sing of beautiful Aphrodite of Cyprus and the sea, where the camp force of Zephyr breath carried her along on waves of the resounding sea and the soft foam. The hours happily received her and put divine garments around her. On her immortal head they placed a crown, carefully made of gold. In the pierced lobes of her ears they placed flowers of copper. On her delicate neck and silver-white breasts they put necklaces of gold. Then they led her to the immortals who welcomed her and reached out their hands to her. They gawked at the figure of the Cytheran crowned in violets. Farewell, quick-blinking, sweet-smiling goddess, grant me victory in this contest--favor my song and I'll remember you in another.

I am sure I will come back here to be informed about hte most active members in AdlnadPro.

My forums are about daily human happenings. Happiness, sadness, humour, stories, history, mythology, legends, inspiraton, friendship, known and unknown truth, name's origin and definition, anti-war actions, curiosity and mysteries. To know more about my forums follow this link
Georgios's Forums and I am sure you will find touching subjects.

I wish you good luck and courage

Warm Regards
Your Hellenic Friend
ETERNAL WISDOM-Know ThySelf, PHILOXENIA MetaCafe, Adlanders In Facebook
Flag of Ana Maria Padurean

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Person Of The Week
Re: Helpful links for new members - Veteran members please tell us about your forums
7/23/2006 6:16:06 AM
Hello Venerina,

Great compilation here. I think they are really useful for someone who is new to Adland.

Thank you for including me among the "worth to visit" here.
As soon as you did that I would love to introduce to the visitors my forums in oreder for them to know what they may find there.

There are indeed much laughter all over my forums even if they are not dedicated for this purpos so feel free to look around and find what you better like. But to classify them somehow here they are:
  1. Do you think this bikini makes me look fat?

    Pure Art! A Forum to share funny, entertainig and artistic things. Do you want to relax, than this is the right place! WELCOME!
  2. Wisdom of Love   For ALL my wonderful friends!
  3. Help Break The Chain...

    MOTTO: Smile, it would be worse! from now on this forum is dedicated to Spread The Word and ACT upon the THINGS TO DO regarding NATURAL RESOURCES DEFFENCE! Fight with me!
  4. my favourite,   ROMANIA     

    I want to introduce you my country, its friendly people and their habits! Hope you'll enjoy the trip!
  5. Spreading Out The Word!

    From now on this Forum is dedicated to give A FREANDLY HAND OF HELP whenever is the case.
Hope this will be of help for all our new friends willing to know what's going on here in our great online Community.

With friendship,
Anamaria :-)

Flag of Venerina Conti

Flag of 1305 Posts
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Person Of The Week
Re: Helpful links for new members - Veteran members please tell us about your forums
7/23/2006 6:22:42 AM

Thank you very much my dear friend for this beautiful posting and thank you for sharing your forums with our new friends.

I love your forums and have to confess that they are probably where I am most active ....

Knowledge truly is the food of life .... (Plato was right)

Courage comes from having good friends around ...

I truly hope that our new members get as much out of your forums as I and so many others do...

Have a wonderful sunday

Big warm hugs from sunny Madeira

Flag of Venerina Conti

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Flag of Invite Me as a Friend
Person Of The Week
Re: Helpful links for new members - Veteran members please tell us about your forums
7/23/2006 6:28:40 AM

Hello Anamaria,

I hope our friends do find this useful.  I know that, as a relatively new person, I still sometimes feel it would be easier if someone told me where to go hehehehe and sometimes, I get lost when I receive a load of forum invites. Then I think Oh I must go there ... and then find I have lost the link!!! hehehehe

Anyways, I wouldn't miss you out.  You area very active person and we keep crossing paths in several forums.  You are a truly nice person to know, full of life and ideas. 

I would have liked to have mentioned more but I thought I would leave it up to the forum owners to advertise in their own words.  So a very big thank you for posting.

Have a lovely sunday my friend

Best wishes



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