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Special! Big Dogs Traffic Prelaunch Only $24 a year! Don't Be Afraid of the Dog!
7/16/2006 8:36:55 PM

The MLM Opportunity Provided by
Big Dogs Traffic is Simply Brilliant!

Plus more perks to come next week and the number of people that can join in prelaunch is limited so get in quick!
>> Forced Matrix System
>> Only 3 Positions Wide
>> Break Even with 3 Active Members on Level 1
>> High Potential for Spillover
>> Paid to 9 Levels/Generations
>> Instant Commissions Paid via egold
>> Multiple Purchases and Positions Available
>> Potential Income Over US$123,585.- per Position
>> Ground Floor Opportunity - Pre-Launch
>> Continuous Development of Systems and Products
>> Product Genre in Growth Industry
>> 24/7 Access to Members Area
>> Professional Management Team
>>Plus you advertise other biz opss with banners and text ads for free!
$23.00 From Each Sale is Paid Out in Commissions
That's Well Over 90%
3 x 9 Matrix Commission Table
Level Max Members Payment  Per Level Earning Potential Accumulated Earnings Potential
1 3 $8- $24- $24-
2 9 $1- $9- $33-
3 27 $1- $27- $60
4 81 $1- $81 $141-
5 243 $1- $243 $384-
6 729 $1- $729- $1113-
7 2187 $2- $4374- $5487-
8 6561 $3- $19,683 $25,170-
9 19683 $5- $98,415- $123,585
Totals 29523 $23- $123,585 $123,585
Each Matrix Position has the Potential to earn US$123,585.- per year. Once you build your matrix, you are securing your future as each year, members will need to renew their advertising accounts to retain their matrix position/s.

Ps you can not miss this one join now

and you must have e-gold

matty main