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Seppo Mannonen

35 Posts
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business opportunity, think about it!
7/13/2006 9:45:28 PM

Hi there!

If you are interested free home business, try this:


This is real free to join and after that you can find how it works.

This real business contain retail store, travel agency, wholesale and trading.

You get also training and tools to drive this business to success.

I must say that it really works.

I have been in only 1,5 mounth and i have over 50 in my downline.

That means that in every sale i get profits( see the rules in site)

Offcourse it takes time to earn income, but it seems that it is worth of it.

Different part makes this opportunity very interesting, you can market this to different groups of people/ companies/ and so on...

You can join free and buy in wholesale prices and sell in your prices,
depend how much u want profits.

This is real opportunity for free to join.

and remember, anyway u have to buy things,
buy them from your own store in wholesale prices and get profits too.

(first you must read the rules carefully, how and when you get profits.)

I have calculated in simple way that if u buy 2-5 same things and
keep one that u need, and sell others, u get nice mounthly income.

Try it in ebay!

Think about this, but decide is yours.

this is only one where i am seriously with.

best regards

seppo mannonen

P.S. now in 2006-07-11 i have  70 downliner in less than 1,5 mounth.


my main business is innovation and development
I am going to drive that business to next level in these days.

seppo mannonen
innovation and development

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seppo mannonen

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