What happens to people after they JOIN your team and fade off into the sunset?
I get this question all the time. What happens to those that come on board, and then never seem to get started? Ever have that happen on your teams? What is it that causes that?
You start building. You talk to people for days, weeks or even months. They make a decision to join you... and are excited, loving the product and talking like they will set the world on fire. They come on board....You are excited, they are excited. You walk them thru everything and they LOVE it. They talk about how great it is, and you get them plugged in......and then......................they promptly go to sleep or drop off the face of the earth. They seem to go totally to sleep, or vanish in thin air.
You wonder. You call them. IF you get them on the phone, they are nice. You offer to help. They talk about getting started, but they don't.
SO the 64,000 question.... WHAT DID YOU DO WRONG?
And the answer is.....................................
It happens all the time to the best of us. For whatever reason, life gets in the way. Some join and get gun shy. Someone in their family makes fun of them, or says NO and they take it personal. Others join, have a death, an accident, or get extra busy with family, and days go off into weeks, and then weeks into months. They get sidetracked. It happens to everyone and it's nothing you did or didn't do, so learn to not take it personal.
For whatever reason, this happens. The funny thing I've noticed in my present company, is sometimes people come in like this, do nothing for 6-12 months, and then all of a sudden take off like a rocket ship on fire. I've seen people on this very team, that after months of inactivity, start and turn into stellar leaders, and recruiting machines. You just never know what turns a person on.
I've seen others, that start off like a rocket, and then sort of level off and go slow, and still others that come in, stick it out. learn and grow and grow. There is no right or wrong way of doing this and no 2 people are alike.
I myself have seen the same things and much more. I've sponsored some that just never did a thing, and others that went wild. It's quite normal and nothing you personally do or don't do. I used to wonder what I was doing wrong but finally found out it's
NOT about me. All I can do, is show and tell, share, be there to support people.....IF and WHEN they chose to work and get started. IF they get into the car, and do not chose to start their engine, there is nothing you or I can do. Everyone has to turn their own key.
This happens in all companies but one neat thing I noticed with my present company that I found pretty cool is even those that don't get started, usually use the product, or fall in love with the system. I have also noticed MANY that do nothing for months, and then become stars when they do start.....so there is hope for everyone.
Just know that no matter who you sponsor or what you do, it's ultimately up to the person joining to make up their mind to go to work. You can't do a thing for anyone but be a good sponsor and support those that want to work. Those others will let you know when they want help. Plug them in, show them the system, and the tools. Don't try to sit around and wait for them to wake up. GO out and find another and another and let them move along at their own pace. Work with the willing. Don't try to drag anyone along, you'll wear your own self out.
Some people move at the speed of lightning....others go like a turtle. ALL that enter the race won't finish, but those that stay on course moving forward, be it SLOW or FAST, will be the winners. Everyone has a choice and everyone has to make their own decisions.
I know myself I want to see EVERYONE do well, but I had to learn, no matter how much I want to see someone succeed, unless they themselves WANT to succeed and are willing to go to work and make it happen..... nothing happens. I know it's hard, because sometimes you want success for someone else more than they want it for themselves. At the end of the day, all you have to answer to is yourself. IF you did the right thing and know it, that's all that counts. Go to work and don't stop till you achieve all your dreams.
Hope to see all of you at the top!!!!!
Diane "AKA MLMBlonde" Walker is a professional network marketer who has built her business using the power of the internet. She has also developed MULTIPLE income streams and is committed to helping others reach their dreams.
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