Hi Yvonne,
Thank you for the opportunity to tell you about our opportunities. The funny thing is that we all believe we have the best thing since white bread but only a few only talk about one. They give you lists of their opportunities. I might be strange but I wonder if they have so many opportunities to promote, how good can any one of those opportunities actually be.
I know, every time you sign up at a TE you get an affiliate link. I have those links, too. I just don't promote them.
Some of you will tell me it is only wise to promote it because then you get ad credits. OK, I see the logic but when I see an ad that shows all kinds of opportunities in one place, I don't even look.
Now I'll tell you a little about mine. This is only a teaser.
Did YOU Know???
You only need THREE things to make money on the Internet.
1.) A computer with an Internet connection.
2.) A little time each day.
3.) A burning desire to succeed.
If you have those three things, I'll show you how to succeed beyond your wildest dreams!
Hey, I believe in this program so much, I will put my money where my mouth is. Check it out. Join if your serious about making money and I will pay for your lifetime full access membership.
Now I'll tell you what joining will not do. It won't get you an ebook, free or paid. It won't put your name on a mailing list. I will be the only one who will contact you. I'll even tell you what the email is about. It is just to verify your interest. It will not try to sell you products. It is totally safe to join. Go ahead and really kick the tires.
If you like what you see, I and my partners will help you succeed. If you don't think it is for you, let me know and I will remove you. And just so you don't think I'm trying to pull a fast one, I get nothing for you being in my downline unless you succeed and are making money too.
What do you have to lose?
Susan Pogue