You could have come across this
offer that says, "10,000 traffic for
your website for $.$$!"
Not offending those traffic gate--ways,
it came across my mind how these
offers could promise you so much but
in the end, deliver so little.
In reality, the only way to get visitors
to your website is to get them to click
on your website.
If there is no visitors, your site is just
a site.
When you are eager to gain traffic,
I'm sure you'll consider such traffic
gate-ways that promise to deliver
thousand of visitors to your website.
How do you think they can do that?
To create a thousand leads can cost
you some times, and yet they can deliver
10,000 or 100,000 thousands of visitors
to your website in a flash!!!!
Read online tutorials:
(I take adlandpro as an example for REAL