We all have a reason to be part of
adlandpro's community.
You and me, we have a common
goal - to show our stuff!
Am I wrong?
If yes, don't read anymore.
If no, I want to share with you
From the first glance, I knew I
could get something out from this
This is the one place you can
find your thirsty crowd.
How are you going to do that?
It's simple!
Invite them or get yourself invited.
This way, you will create more friends
and more friends from that new friends
you've invited or be invited.
The problem is, are you getting the
correct type of friends?
Many of us, invite friends that are not
playing the turf you're playing. If your
program is about MLM, invite MLMers.
If you program is about HYIP, invite that
kind of thirsty crowd. And if you are
dealing with health products, invite
people with health conscious.
How are you going to differ them
from the lot?
Before your invitation, look at their
profile and visit their websites or
their referal links (majority of them
have it). From there, you'll be able
to know the sort of people you are
inviting and also your competitors.
People say, inviting your competitors
can kill your business. But look at
the brighter side! These people have
their own circle of friends that are
loyal to them. Putting yourself in
between thus give you an introduction.
Wouldn't it be great to be someone
new and new to many?
At this point, if I'm wrong for what
I've said, how many of you after jumping
to an uninvited adlandpro's forum threads
get some new invitation?
I know you know the answer.
Till next time, always test! If it works,
it will work for others too!
For my case, I am able to invite or
be invited, from or by anyone else
cause my website theme is for general
Copyright. Marzlan