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Flag of Kathy Hamilton

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7/4/2006 2:08:49 PM
Hello My friends, Please check out my friend Tara's Army talkshow Radio station,She is amazing,she is there to help all who are involved with the military,join her and support her.Listen and tell your family and friends and loved ones about her radio station,She is based out of Georgia at the military base. Het Topic today is The Military Family It is show 64- It hits home because I have 2 sons in the Army so I am a Military Mother!!!! David's song is featured on the end of her program today and all week.Her program is amazing.Thank you Tara for playing David's song The Heros in my Life- David is much grateful to you.Kathy Martin/simikathy
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Flag of Eva Gutray

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7/4/2006 10:41:54 PM
07-05-2006 Tasmania - Australia Hi Kathy and AdlandPro Friends, My support go to all mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, wife's, husbands, cousins, grandparents, and friends of all soldiers. As a daughter of a medical officer I know how it is. Be brave all the time when your service man and women call to their duties. We as a general public must care for you whom they left behind, as a thank you, to them, who fronting on our behalf danger. I am calling for piece and understanding between all nation's. No mother wish that her child is involved in killing, better we try live in harmony, and respect towards one and other. Warm Regards Eva We are a Independent Distributor of E-card/Postcard Sweepstakes, and are currently Recruiting Committed, Enthusiastic People Locally as well Internationally to join and expand our Business with this Revolutionary Charity Organization offering Opportunities to everyone by joining our Team at
Non for Profit Organization from Tasmania - Australia GLOBAL HARMONY PEOPLE HELP PEOPLE WHERE? AT
7/5/2006 2:04:27 PM
Hi Kathy, Im going to go in and listen to the armywifetalkradio. I was just wondering something. Would this link be ok for me to post in a military support group I belong to? Im sure that they would love this.My heart goes out to all the family members and friends of the wonderful men and women who are fighting for our freedom. As you know Im concerned because have made beautiful banners to welcome them home or to just put up until they return home safe to their families and friends. Thats one of the reasons why I chose to make our banners with the pocket to display the picture of your hero. We are also donating 2.00 for every banner we sell to help the families of the military. I Thank you so much for inviting me to this forum. God be with all of you who have someone in the military at this time. hugs and love to you all Colleen Colleens dollar store link open Your Own dollar store Rogers Coverall Home of the Decorative Banner with a picture pocket. Http:// url for rogers coverall my memorial groups on msn This is a friendly group I have on msn. We are all good friends here, either from meeting in the group or most of us being friends and family. If anyone is having a hard time dealing with the death of a loved one. stop by we all understand cause we've all been there. We also make a memorial for your loved one upon request. I have two groups here. both are memorial groups. one group we do memorials for our furry pet friends who have gone to rainbows bridge. You must be a member of msn to get into the groups. Its free registration to join. Rogers Decorative Headstone Covers. This group I started when my husband Roger got a us patent for clear plastic headstone covers. The cemetaries really wouldn't approve these covers so I got no responses to the add. The pictures of the covers have been remove to protect his patent, So thats when I decided to turn it into a memorial group. Memorials For Family and Friends Is our sister group to Rogers. Most of the members from rogers are also members here. I really didn't understand msn when I first started the group and didn't want to run out of space to make memorials so continued memorials from Rogers to Memorials. Both groups are owned by me. Nancy Herring is a manager on both groups.
7/5/2006 2:23:38 PM
Kathy what a wonderful place. I just wanted you to know that I also linked to them on my site at rogerscoverall on bravenet. Im sure by going there it is going to be ok to pass this link on to the members at the Military support group I belong to. If not please let me know before I go in to post it. Thanks Colleen
Flag of Kathy Hamilton

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7/6/2006 8:18:02 AM
Hello Coleen, Also I am going to be starting a penpal club for our soldiers,if you know of any soldiers with adresses let me know,ill put them down for a pen pal.Kathy
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking

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