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Ana Maria Padurean

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Famous People - DRACULA - 1
6/27/2006 12:19:29 PM
Welcome and greetings to all of you my Adlandian Friends. I think this is the Forum that almost all of you were waiting for since the beginning :-) I was wondering where to begin this and finaly I decided to split it up and give you more infos about the issue, starting with the legend of DRACULA! Dracula, one of the most famous characters in the world, is always linked to Romania. More precisely, with Transylvania (a Romanian province), which is believed to be a foggy mysterious land, with lots of vampires and castles. Beside the negative fame brought by the name of Dracula and by the stories of the Transylvanian Saxon merchants, at the end of the 19th century another decisive element was added at the future renown of the Romanian ruler. An Irishman, Bram Stoker, published at London, in 1897, his novel called "Dracula, the Vampire from the Carpathians". The novel was based on folk beliefs and distorted historical elements. The vampire theme wasn`t for the first time in the literature. Earlier, in 1819, a book called "The Vampire", signed by Byron, but most probably written by Polidori, his secretary, was published. Yet, Bram Stoker will be the one to bring the celebrity of Dracula. His novel, otherwise rather weak, arrived in 1903 at the sixth edition and it was the best sold book in the world after the Bible (what a strange comparison!). Bram Stoker had never traveled to Romania. His information came from the London libraries, as Jonathan Harker himself, one of the main characters of the novel, stated: "Having had some time at my disposal when in London, I had visited the British Museum, and made search among the books and maps in the library regarding Transylvania; it had struck me that some foreknowledge of the country could hardly fail to have some importance in dealing with a nobleman of that country. I find that the district he named is in the extreme east of the country, just on the borders of three states, Transylvania, Moldavia, and Bukovina, in the midst of the Carpathian mountains; one of the wildest and least known portions of Europe.", The region that Harker describes is the Bargau region, near Bistrita. He tells that just in the pass which links Transylvania with Moldavia, in the ruins of a castle, Dracula, a Transylvanian(!!) count lives and every night he turns into a vampire. The place where the castle is isn`t identified: "I was not able to light on any map or work giving the exact locality of the Castle Dracula, as there are no maps of this country as yet to compare with our own Ordance Survey Maps". So, the famous Dracula`s castle is not located at Bran (wrongly linked to the legend)), but at Bargau, where, in order to exploit the legend, a mediaeval looking hotel, called "Dracula Castle" was built in the 1980s. Please stay tooned, there is more to come! Anamaria ;-)
Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Re: Famous People - DRACULA - 1
6/27/2006 12:32:48 PM
Hello Ana Maria, Thank you for the ivitation. Nice of you to set up a myth about Dacula. It is true that when people hear the name Dracule the get cool and cold bloded. Wamypres, Trasnsylvania, Carpaths are the place they get in mid. Good of you to split thes theme. I am waiting for the analysis of the legend behind Dracula. Best Regards Georgios PS ***NEW SPECIAL FORUM*** THE MYSTERIES - UNKNOWN TRUTH
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Beverly Armstrong

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Re: Famous People - DRACULA - 1
6/28/2006 2:02:09 PM
Too Too Cool! :) Keep it up it is interesting!!!! HUGS, Beverly
Beverly Armstrong NC., Health & Website Consultant, Trainer, Writer & Entreprenuer, Network Marketing & Tutorials
Rose Enderud

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Re: Famous People - DRACULA - 1
7/3/2006 7:54:15 AM
Hello Anna Maria, This subject has always fasinated me. I am on to read part 2. Rose
Ana Maria Padurean

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Re: Famous People - DRACULA - 1
7/3/2006 12:57:13 PM
Hello Rose :-) I'm so glad to see you. You're going to have some readings to read because I've posted the 3rd part too! See you there. With friendship, Anamaria