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Folk Literature -II- The Argesh Monastery
6/24/2006 6:23:58 AM
Hello again my dear friends. Today I want to share with you our Folklore second most important poem: The Argesh Monastery This poem is an expression of the beliefe that there is nothing in The World, that can be made to last without sacrefices. This idea was wonderfuly put in words by the means of a poem fairy tale. I hope you are going to enjoy the reading. ;-) The Argesh Monastery Down the Argesh lea, Beautiful to see, Prince Negru he wended By ten mates attended: Nine worthy craftsmen, Masons, journeymen, With Manole ten, The highest in fame. Forth they strode apace There to find a place Where to build a shrine, A cloister divine. And, lo, down the lea A shepherd they see, In years so unripe, Playing on his pipe. To him the prince sped And thus spoke and said, “Handsome little swain On thy sweet pipe playing! Up the Argesh stream Thy flock thou hast ta`en; Down the Argesh green With the flock thou`st been; Didst thou hap to see Somewhere down the lea An old wall all rotten, Unfinished, forgotten, On a green slope lush, Near a hazel brush?” “That, good sire, I did; In hazel brush hid, There`s a wall all rotten, Unfinished, forgotten. My dogs when they spy it Make a rush to bite it, And howl hollowly, And growl ghoulishly.” As the prince did hear Greatly did he cheer, And walked to that wall, With nine masons all, Nine worthy craftsmen, With Manole ten, The highest in fame. “Here`s my wall!” quoth he. “Here I choose that ye Build for me a shrine, A cloister divine. Therefore, great craftsmen, Masons, journeymen, Start ye busily To build on this lea A tall monastery; Make it with your worth Peerless on this earth; Then ye shall have gold, Each shall be a lord. Oh, but should you fail, Then you`ll moan and wail, For I`ll have you all Built up in the wall; I will – so I thrive - Build you up alive!” Those craftsmen amain Stretched out rope and chain, Measured out the place, Dug out the deep base, Toiled day in, day out, Raising walls about. But whate`er they wrought, At night came to nought, Crumbled down like rot! The next day again, The third day again, The fourth day again, All their toil in vain! Sore amazed the lord His men he did scold, And he cowed them down With many a frown And many a threat; And his mind he set To have one and all Built up in the wall; He would – so he thrive - Build them up alive! Those nine great craftsmen, Masons, journeymen, Shook with fear walls making, Walls they raised while shaking, A long summer`s day Till the skies turned grey. But Manole shirked, He no longer worked, To his bed he went And a dream he dreamt. Ere the night was spent, For his men he sent, Told them his intent: “Ye nine great craftsmen, Masons, journeymen, What a dream I dreamed: In my sleep meseemed A whisper from high, A voice from the ski, Told me verily That whatever we In daytime have wrought Shall nights come to nought, Crumble down like rot; Till we, one and all, Make an oath to wall Whose bonny wife erst, Whose dear sister first, Haps to come this way At the break of day, Bringing meat and drink To husband or kin. Therefore if we will Our high task fulfil And build here a shrine, A cloister divine, Let`s swear and be bound By dread oaths and sound Not a word to speak, Our counsel to keep: Whose bonny wife erst, Whose dear sister first, Haps to come this way At the break of day, Her we`ll offer up, Her we shall build up!” When day from night parted Up Manole started, Climbed a trellis fence, Climbed the planks, and thence The field he looked over, The path through wild clover. And what did he see? Alas! Woe is me! Who came up the lea? His young bride so sweet, Flower of the mead! How he looked aghast As his Ann came fast, Bringing his day`s food And wine sweet and good. When he saw her yonder His heart burst asunder; He knelt down like dead And weeping he prayed, “Send, o Lord, the rain, Let it fall amain, Make it drown beneath Stream and bank and heath, Make it swell in tide And arrest my bride, Flood all path and track And make her turn back!” The Lord heard his sigh, Hearkened to his cry, Clouds he spread on high And darkened the sky; And he sent a rain, Made it fall amain, Made it drown beneath Stream and bank and heath. Yet, fall as it may, Her it could not stay, Onward she did hie, Nigh she drew and nigh. As he watched from high, Sorely did he cry, And again he wailed, And again he prayed, “Blow, o Lord, a gale Over hill and dale, The fir-trees to rend, The maples to bend, The hills to o`erturn, Make my bride return, Stop her path and track, Make her, Lord, turn back!” The Lord heard his sigh, Hearkened to his cry, And he blew a gale Over hill and dale That the firs did rend, The maples did bend, The hills did o`erturn, Nor would she return. Ann came up the dale Struggling`gainst the gale. Reeling on her way; Nothing could her stay. Poor soul! Through the blast, There she was at last! Those worthy craftsmen, Masons, journeymen, Greatly did they cheer To see her appear. While Manole smarted, With all hope he parted, His sweet bride he kissed, Saw her through a mist, In his arms he clasped her, Pressed her to his chest, And thus spoke in jest, “Now my own sweet bride, Have no fear, abide; We`ll make thee a nest, Build thee up in jest!” Ann laughed merrily, She laughed trustfully, And Manole sighed, His trowel he plied, Raised the wall as due, Made the dream come true. Up he raised the wall To gird her withal; Up the wall did rise To her ankles nice, To her bonny thighs. While she, wellaway, Creased her laugh so gay, And would pray and say, “Manole, Manole! Good master Manole, The wall squeezes hard, My frail flesh is marred.” Not a word spoke he, But worked busily; Up he raised the wall To gird her withal; Up the wall did rise To her ankles nice, To her bonny thighs. While she, wellaway, Creased her laugh so gay, And would pray and say, “Manole, Manole! Good master Manole, Have done with your jest. `Tis not for the best. Manole, Manole, Good master Manole, The wall squeezes hard, My frail flesh is marred.” Not a word spoke he, But worked busily; Up he raised the wall To gird her withal; And the wall did rise To her ankles nice, To her bonny thighs, To her shapely waist, To her fair, young breasts. While she, wellaway, She would cry and say, She would weep and pray, “Manole, Manole! The wall weighs like lead, Tears my teats now shed My babe is crushed dead.” Manole did smart, Sick he was at heart; And the wall did rise, Pressed her in its vice, Pressed her shapely waist, Crushed her fair, young breasts, Reached her lips now white, Reached her eyes so bright, Till she sank in night And was lost to sight! Her sweet voice alone Came through in a moan, “Manole, Manole, Good master Manole! The wall squeezes hard, Crushed is now my heart, With my life I part!” Down the Arghesh lea, Beautiful to see, Prince Negru in state Came to consecrate And to kneel in prayer To that shrine so fair, That cloister of worth, Peerless on this earth. There it stood so bright To his eyes` delight. And the prince spoke then, “Ye good team of ten, Ye worthy craftsmen, Tell me now in sooth, Cross your hearts in truth, Can you build for me, With your mastery, Yet another shrine, A cloister divine, Ever far more bright, Of greater delight?” Then those great craftsmen, Masons, journeymen, Boasting cheerfully, Cheering boastfully, From the roof on high, Up against the sky, Thus they made reply, “Like us great craftsmen, Masons, journeymen, In skill and in worth There are none on earth! Marry, if thou wilt, We can always build Yet another shrine, A cloister divine, Ever far more bright, Of greater delight!” This the prince did hark, And his face grew dark; Long, long there he stood To ponder and brood. Then the prince anon Ordered with a frown All scaffolds pulled down, To leave those ten men, Those worthy craftsmen, On the roof on high, There to rot and die. Long they stayed there thinking, Then they started linking Shingles thin and light Into wings for flight. And those wings they spread, And jumped far ahead, And dropped down like lead. Where the ground they hit, There their bodies split. Then poor, poor Manole, Good master Manole, As he brought himself To jump from a shelf, Hark, a voice came low From the wall below, A voice dear and lief, Muffled, sunk in grief, Mournful, woebegone, Moaning on and on, “Manole, Manole, Good master Manole, The wall wieghs like lead, Tears my teats still shed, My babe is crushed dead, Away my life`s fled!” As Manole heard His life-blood did curd, And his eyesight blurred, And the high clouds whirled, And the whole earth swirled; And from near the sky, From the roof on high, Down he fell to die! And, lo, where he fell There sprang up a well, A fountain so tiny Of scant water, briny, So gentle to hear, Wet with many a tear! A translation of Dan Dutescu Wish you all a wonderful weekend, Anamaria
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Re: Folk Literature -II- The Argesh Monastery
6/24/2006 6:51:03 AM
As long as you are here, and you love poetry, come and read our talented friends in our community. Cher and Lee's Poetry Review 14th Feature(Carla Cash,Chris Wiseman,Thomass Jaymess Erskine) Thanks!! Anamaria
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Re: Folk Literature -II- The Argesh Monastery
6/24/2006 7:50:28 AM
Hello Ana Maria, What was purpose. To let me read the poem, to visit our friends or to do bouth. Well, The poem was information and wonderful. Our friend, ??, go there to see my comments. Best Regards Georgios
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Re: Folk Literature -II- The Argesh Monastery
6/24/2006 9:31:53 AM
Hello Georgios, Thank you for coming and reading. That was the main purpos. To share with you one of our folklore best poem and story, beside Mioritza, that I shared last time. Than I thought that the ones coming here are mostly poem lovers and that is why I thought to guid them to Lisa's Poetry Forum. Wish you a wonderful weekend, Anamaria
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Re: Folk Literature -II- The Argesh Monastery
6/24/2006 2:14:54 PM
What a sad, powerful poem! Linda

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