Hello my friendfs,
I am here to help you in any way I can for you,I am always here to lend a helping hand or just an ear.heres some insight for you.I have amazing things in store for all my friends .Let our journey begin.Kathy/simikathy
Nurturing Your Life
Balance Your Life
Change the way you view yourself and the world and you are destined to change your life. To get the success and balance you want in life depends on three major factors:
First, decide that you really want to change what is happening in your life.
Second, believe that your new life is possible and set your priorities.
Third, take appropriate action on your vision. Go beyond thinking and speaking it, and take action to accomplish it.
Unless you know what you want, life will be aimless. Your goals must excite you and you must develop a new attitude of possibility thinking. If you can think it, it is possible to do it. See old and new issues with new personal insights. Bring balance to your life by having at least one goal in each of the five principal areas of your life.
[a] financial freedom through your investments plus your employee income or business income
[b] relationships, with special reference to family and co-workers
[c] health
[d] spiritual or religious
[e] recreation, relaxation or stress release
Your new goal
Take one issue in your life you wish to change, or achieve, and work on it during the next three months. If you want professional support for this send an e-mail to simikathy@comcast.net to arrange individualized coaching sessions.
The first step is that you have clearly in your mind what you wish to change or accomplish, and then write it down. The issue should be as specific as possible, clearly stated, expressed in measurable terms and a time by which it is to be accomplished. For example, if you are unhappy with your present job, it would not be helpful to say 'I want a new job'. You would have to state the firm or industry in which you want this job, the name of the position of the job, the salary and the date by which you want the job. When you specify clearly what you want, you increase the possibility of getting it.
Be forgiving
Very often you block yourself from getting what you want in life because of the anger, hate, frustration and other negative emotional reaction to issues of the past. You have some level of hurt which may be minor or deep. Release the people and situations that continue to cause you pain and you will soar to success like an eagle. When you forgive, you free your own self of useless baggage. You are helping yourself more than the person or situation you think you are forgiving.
Reduce negative thoughts
Hundreds of thousands of different thoughts generated day after day, have fashioned your present personality, but this can be changed. Identify the thoughts, views and opinions that limit you. Deliberately turn these negative notions around as they stunt your personal development. One signal of a limiting thought is when you find yourself saying ' this is just how I am ' or ' I cannot do this '. Change that negative conditioning.
Questions for growth
Consider these three questions:
(i) Is there a circumstance or situation in your life that you would like changed?
(ii) Are you tolerating something in any of the five principal areas of your life that you need to correct?
(iii) Are you living up to your full potential?
If you answered "yes" to one or more of the above three questions, you have a splendid opportunity to bring greater balance to your life. To deepen the process for your success in dealing with these issues, e-mail me at simikathy@comcast.net
Your new insights
If you want an improved life you have to see yourself and the way in which the world occurs for you in a different manner. These are some additional possibilities to help design your great new life :
[1] Act on your priorities, make no excuses for your inaction.
[2] Develop a new self image
[3] You will not build a house without drawing a plan. Your life is more important than a house. Develop your own personal excellent plan. Start with it in your mind and then document it.
[4] Create a persistent intention to achieve your goal.
What is the purpose of all this striving? It is the process to get fulfillment, peace and happiness in life. If your thoughts, words and deeds have love as its basis, then you pave the way for happiness and to be reunited with Your Creator.
This is the first phase to balance your life. Work at it over the next three months and you will see definite progress in your life. Of course, you can go deeper into the process through my individual confidential coaching sessions by sending an e-mail to simikathy@comcast.net for further details. Live passionately, productively and purposefully.Also live prosperous,Kathy/simikathy
Blessings, Peace and Love from