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Meat-Mete what's for dinner???
6/5/2006 3:43:42 PM
The word meat had it roots in the Old English word mete which has the same pronounciation. From the earliest of times man was a hunter and brought home a variety of meats to feast upon. The great feasts of midievil times had a variety of meats with little else. Hence the meal was called mete (meat). The greatest of meals during colonial times would perhaps have 5-6 courses with each one having a meat dish. One course of meat a meal is sufficient for us today as we supplement our meat with vegetables, fruits, and some type of starch. Today we use the word meat meaning meal only in the term "meat and drink". Meat is the flesh of an animal used for food. It consists of muscle, fat, and other tissue. Our first page for meat is designated for beef and veal (cattle), pork (hogs), lamb and mutton (sheep) recipes. If in your culture another animal is common you may add your recipe here. We will have a different page for fowl (chicken, duck, etc.) and fish. Kinds of meat: beef: full grown cattle veal: flesh of cattle 2-14 weeks old lamb: up to a year old mutton: sheep over a year old pork: the flesh of a pig, no matter what age variety meats: organs whether fresh, canned, pickled, (chitterlings--- a favorite of southern US---- fried and bagged like potato chips) meatless-a dish or meal without meat. meat: inner part, as in nut meats (found in many cookie and cake recipes) meaty, meatier, meatiest (adjectives) describing that it is full of meat it can also mean pithy. Put your meat recipes: post your information about the word meat and comments about your culture here.
Re: Meat-Mete what's for dinner???
6/5/2006 6:12:31 PM
Hi Mary, You've covered Meat pretty well,we have no real traditions about meat in Australia. Xmas used to be roast pork,turkey and beef or lamb.Now a lot of people have changed to cold meats and seafood at xmas,as the tradition of having roasts is more English. Xmas is the hottest time of year! Aboriginals have always eaten :Kangeroo's, Goanna's(large lizard), Snakes,Emu , Witchity Grubs(size of your finger,Turtles and Fish probably a lot more... Generally cooked on an open fire skin and all! Other popular meats in Australia are Deer, Crocadile, Barrumundi(fish) and Emu. I havent tried them yet! There's my meaty bits Mary :) Thanks Leanne Busby
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Re: Meat-Mete what's for dinner???
6/5/2006 6:36:36 PM
Hi Leanne, Nice to hear your report from downunder. You have some very interesting information which reminds us that not all the world uses meat as we do. Here is some info since the Aussies are included in this report. This is from "The World Book Encyclopedia". Largest Consumption of meat per year per person: Uruguayans 235 lbs. (107 kilograms) New Zealanders 234 lbs (106 kilograms) Australians 210 lbs (95 kilograms) Argentlines 198 lbs. (90 kilograms) Americans 192 lbs. (87 kilograms) I was sure Americans were the largest consumers.
Re: Meat-Mete what's for dinner???
6/5/2006 7:17:59 PM
Hi All, I thought Americans would have been the biggest meat eaters, too. Meat traditions here in FL are deep fried turkey (outside if you have a brain cell working!) on holidays, or anything cooked outdoors. Gator is a big hit down here, as is almost any fish. People used to be able to harvest scallops about a mile offshore right where I live, but too many scallop eaters got to them and they don't live here any more. Christmas down under would be the hottest! I keep forgetting that you are opposite us in seasons! In FL we've had Christmas as hot as 70's and as cold as 30's....try to plan around that :-)
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Re: Meat-Mete what's for dinner???
6/5/2006 7:35:20 PM
Hi Lorraine, Any suggestions for cooking gator. Now a pun. Should one drink GatorAide with that? Go to: Post your meat recipes there.

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