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Welcome To The Feature Of The Week aka Person Of The Week! (44th Edition)
5/21/2006 5:40:32 PM
********************************************************* ********************************************************* Greetings To Everyone At AdlandPro From John Sanchez and LaNell! It’s time again for my favorite project of the week and that is the Feature of The Week! It is my favorite project because you folks and the POTW’s of the week make it a very special event. We are all so fortunate to be a part of this community that is made up of so many friendly and talented people. Thank you so much for your support and for making this event so special. Love and Blessings to you all! John R. Sanchez The reason the Feature of the Week forum was created was to honor people who have a positive influence on this community. To qualify the person has to be an active member and one who contributes to the positive atmosphere here AdlandPro. Here are the criteria for nominating a member for the Feature of the Week (also referred to as the Person of the Week, POTW). This criterion can be seen at the site below: Criterion How Do I Get Selected as Person of the Week? To be chosen as Person of the week you: • Are highly visible on the community • Are always seen as respectful, professional, and helpful. • Must be nominated for the program by another member of the Community and voted on by other members. ********************************************************** Congratulations to this week’s Person of the Week, her name is Linda Caroll. Linda is much more than a pretty face; She is someone you would want as a Mentor and a Friend. Linda is somewhat of a celebrity and one of the Advisors at AdlandPro. She volunteers a lot of her time to help us become successful with our website and our business. Our community is very fortunate to have her and therefore we want to say thank you so much Linda for all you do for us. Enjoy your week of praise and honor! ********************************************************** Here’s Linda’s Bio: Hi all... Thank you to everyone that voted for me, as well as those who sent private messages, emails and forum posts cheering along the way. You are very appreciated. I was born in the middle of nowhere in a small farm community on the Canadian prairies, too many years ago to think about. Anyone else remember wringer washers? : ) I advanced through school early and was in retail store management by 19. At 20, I was travelling three cities coordinating regional promotional events. By 23 I had gone out on my own and was self employed. My pre-internet clients included Canada Post, several regional and national sports groups and an international charity as well as a heaping helping of small home businesses. (My graphics live on timelessly, at least so far, on the tshirts sold at a dinosaur museum in the prairies.) In 1995, while still living on the prairies and going through a divorce, I discovered the Internet and realized how many people need help online. I decided to make their success my business. : ) In the years since, my clients and their websites have been featured in Forbes, The New York Times, People Magazine, Home & Garden Television, Access Hollywood and more. I have personally been featured in the New York Times, as well as in a book that was showcased on Oprah. Peter and I first met Bogdan back in the late 90s when Adland was new and growing. I am proud to say we were among the first members. As my business grew in leaps and bounds, we lost touch with Adland Digest for several years. (The community didn't exist yet back then) I returned to Adland last fall, as an advisor, with the hope of being able to help a few people figure out how to make the Internet work for them. Today, Peter & I live in the Toronto area. Between us, we have 3 kids, 2 cats and a couple of home based businesses. For more information and a gift for all Adland members for tolerating my face on the main page all week, please visit my Adland member page. lol Thank you again. : ) Linda P.S. Feel welcome to drop by my forum and say hi. ********************************************************** As you can all see, Linda is quite an impressive and successful Lady. She is definitely an asset to our community. Please take the time to thank her for all she does in our community and please invite her to join your circle of friends if she isn’t on your friends list already. Linda, have a great week, you deserve it! :-) Love and blessings to all of you from, ;-) John Sanchez and LaNell ********************************************************* ********************************************************* My Blogs Goodwill Ambassador If I'm not on your friends list please take the time to invite me. Thanks!
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Person Of The Week
Re: Welcome To The Feature Of The Week aka Person Of The Week! (44th Edition)
5/21/2006 5:45:16 PM
Hello John! Here! Here! Linda. What A Go! I hope you enjoy every moment as you really deserve it.
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Re: Welcome To The Feature Of The Week aka Person Of The Week! (44th Edition)
5/21/2006 6:02:08 PM
Hi Linda, A Big Congratulations to You!! You are going to be a very busy Gal this week, & I should know!! I wish you much success in whatever business venture that you go into. Your Friend, Sweetgrame :-) Thousands Now Achieve A Better Life... Who Never Thought They Could => Click here to discover for yourself:
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Re: Welcome To The Feature Of The Week aka Person Of The Week! (44th Edition)
5/21/2006 6:19:51 PM
Very impressive, indeed! Nice to meet you Linda. :-) Congratulations in this honor. Enjoy each moment, Teri ~
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Person Of The Week
Re: Welcome To The Feature Of The Week aka Person Of The Week! (44th Edition)
5/21/2006 6:25:07 PM
Congratulations Linda, this is really awesome.

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