Hi, Connie,
Thanks for sharing this article, which is nicely written. I haven't looked at the rest of it in your link yet, but I will.
May I suggest a better way to get notice here? You placed this article in your own forum also. Why not create a link in your signature file and post to one of the threads that I have invited my forum members to? Since a universal invitation to this one didn't go out, there have been only a few views. But your headline is compelling enough to click on.
If you post to the general conversation with a link in your signature, you'll get more action out of it, I think. Even I didn't know this thread was here for a full 10 days. Just a thought.
Even though this article is nicely written and doesn't violate my rules of no advertising, I would normally remove it with a polite note, because it doesn't fit the theme of the forum. However, because it provides a way to illustrate my suggestion, I'll leave it.
For future reference to anyone who sees this, my forums are open because it's far too much trouble to moderate them. But if you want to introduce a thread, I appreciate it if you bear in mind what the forum is about.
AND absolutely no advertising threads or replies to existing threads with blatant advertising or advertising for things that have no bearing on the conversation. Those will be removed as soon as I see them. The note isn't very polite when that happens.
Thank you.