Hello everyone, I thought I would share this article with you since I found quite a bit of value from it myself. Enjoy and let me know what you think.
The Art of Leapfrogging
The foolproof way to enroll any new Distributor by Richard Brooke
Leapfrogging is a form of presentation whereby your enrollment candidate is motivated to join your opportunity, not based on what they know about your program or their belief in themselves, but rather based on who they know by occupation. It is based on the author's belief that most people who choose not to join you do so for two basic reasons:
1. Based on what you told them and on their own self-esteem (or lack thereof), they do not believe they can be successful.
2. They do not believe that what they could earn would be worth the time and effort they would need to put forth. In other words, they "hear" $1,000 a month and they interpret it will take all of their spare time, which they decide is not worth it.
In either case, you as the enroller are fighting a steep, uphill battle. If they lack belief in themselves or in MLM as a concept, you should know that they have been building that belief for most of their adult life - all of their life if it is a self-esteem issue. No matter how hard or good you sell it, you will not unwind that belief in a 30-minute presentation.
Want to know a powerful secret used by only the best in the world?
Read the rest of Richard Brooke's powerful article here: