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An Easter Poem.......
4/15/2006 9:43:22 AM
updated 4/11/09

I never tire of the Easter story, for in the telling of it we see the extreme sacrifice that the Christ suffered for us.  If it weren't for the resurrection of our Lord from the dead there would be nothing to tell....but not only did Jesus Christ die for us by paying the penalty for our sins and transgressions, he also rose from the dead on the third day.  Now HE lives to make intercession for us, & because of what he's done, we can also have new life in Him.

He Is Risen!!!  Hallelujah!

                EASTER'S QUICKENING

Resurrection morning from darkened tomb
Renewed hope replaces gloom,

Heavy laden linen entwined with death,
Spice, and sacrifice...

There is deep mystery working here and
In my heart His breath is near,

Where cold and lonely darkness stood came a
Spark ignited by His blood...

As finite limits expand outer limits
Of all mankind.

Just as at the tomb that day, a heavy
Stone's been rolled away...

And in this act of quickening, a Spirit whisper
Fills my being.

By: Cheryl Ellen Baxter (c) "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"
Flag of Gene Tinney

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Re: An Easter Poem.......
4/15/2006 10:25:44 AM
very Beautiful and thoughtful poem Cheryl.Thank you for that Gene
Flag of Lisa Westberry

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Re: An Easter Poem.......
4/15/2006 10:39:00 AM
Hello Cheryl, The Light of Heaven is smiling down on you for that most thoughtful and heart felt poem. Very Beautuful!!! I Love it!! Thank you for sharing your special thoughts through your Talent. Love and Blessings,
Flag of Cheryl Baxter

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Re: An Easter Poem.......
4/15/2006 10:47:40 AM
Hi Gene, Thanks so much for dropping by and for your kind thoughts. Have a wonderful Easter! Take care, Cheryl "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"
Flag of Arthur Webster

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Re: An Easter Poem.......
4/15/2006 10:50:55 AM
Thank you for sharing those thoughts, Cheryl. We had a true Good Friday here in Coín. Just as the crucifixion was being remembered the sky was shattered by tremendous lightning flashes and a deluge of unimaginable proportions descended. The lightning and the rain lasted for twenty minutes and the thunder, terrible at first, faded within the first five minutes. It was really awesome.

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