I just want to add no matter who you are you can achieve greatness in your life,Look at me,I have acomplished major things in the last 10 months,I have never given up.Each day I get stronger and each day I learn that just how special I am and I have accomplished many things on my own.You just name it and claim it.You all have greatness so what is stopping you all??? Your probably wondering why I am saying all this,well I recieved a letter talking about this subject,so I wanted to let my friend know that you can be true to yourself and if no one likes you there loss,but to show humility is a greatness not a weakness.To many are afraid to say what they feel,Well I am no longer afraid to stand up and say what is on my mind, no one will shoot me down or ever will I be put in a corner>I am someone with greatness like you all so stand up and be counted.We are all special in different ways,It is Easter season and like Our friend Ana Maria says traditions are different also,At easter time you wash yourself off and get renewed in your life.Have passion about who you are and what you want from your life.Only you can make or break your life.Why are you not going for it all,Stop playing around,Get busy living your passion.If you want me to help you and show you how to get passion going in your life let me know I shall be more than happy to help you.