
Accessories for meat grinders
8/15/2022 10:52:18 AM
Many people when buying a meat grinder forget about accessories for it. I think it's a mistake. Many accessories that you can buy separately greatly simplify the work that you need to do. Do you agree with me?
What meat grinder accessories do you use? Share your story in the comments.
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Hander Brody

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RE: Accessories for meat grinders
8/15/2022 7:07:52 PM
I totally agree with you! Accessories are very handy things that just need to be in everyone. For example I often use chopping plates and stainless steel knives. It allows me to control the thickness of the grind of the meat. And with stainless knives I can even wash the grinder in the dishwasher. Very convenient. By the way, you can find more accessories at meat grinder reviews. I recommend reading.

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Kallie Henny

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RE: Accessories for meat grinders
8/16/2022 1:30:22 PM
I use an enlarged meat tray. Unfortunately, it was not provided by the manufacturer and I had to buy it separately. But this purchase was necessary for me as I work with a lot of meat.
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