Okay you guys... I guess I will go first.
1. The name and URL of the company.
FreeLife International
2. What you got excited about it that caused you to choose it?
After doing extensive research on the product and the company, it was the product that really got me jazzed.
I really loved the idea that I could stop taking a bunch of vitamin pills, and start drinking juice, to balance the nutritional needs of myself and my family.
Once I got the product in my hands to try, I was blown away, by how good it tastes. Everyone in my family absolutely loves it! But even more important, I can actually feel a difference in my body. I have an overall sense of wellbeing. I sleep better, I wake more rested, and I just feel more alive. I've even lost some weight since drinking it. (Weight loss was not my intention, but I'm not complaining about it. :) )
Now, I just want everyone I know to feel as good as I do!
3. How long have you been involved in the business?
I have only been involved in the business for a short time. In fact, I spent more time researching it than I have actually been involved.
4. What do you like best about it? (Non-Monetary)
The thing I like best about the business is the product, (Goji Juice). It really is the best nutritional product I have ever used.
5. What, if anything, don't you like about it?
So far, I have not found anything about the company, product or otherwise, that I do not like.
6. Why would you recommend it to others?
I recommend it to everyone I know, because the product is so very good for you, even pregnant women can drink it, because it is 100% all natural juice. The compensation plan offered is the best I've ever seen too, which is another reason I recommend it to everybody.
7. Why are you using the Internet to generate income?
I live out in the middle of nowhere, and employment opportunities are slim out here. I want to be home for my kids and my mother too, so that is another reason for my decision to work from home, using the Internet.
8. What is the number one reason you are participating in an business opportunity? What is it that you a working for?
I decided to start a home business to generate enough income so that my husband could get out of construction and retire early. I want to be able to send my kids to college, and I wan't to retire without debt. (Once the kids are gone, we would also like to travel.)