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A new Scammer Curse in our community!
3/30/2006 3:32:55 PM
Hi Everyone. Had a look through my adlandpro community Stats for Yesterday, had someone called 'Prince efe' and an account name of 'vineta' visit my profile, on checking his profile, I noticed the normal, no friends, no web page, no details in hisprofile except he is in Ghana. Well, suprise Suprise, look what I found in my personal email box. --------------------------------------------- Dear Sir/Madam Please, l apologise for using this medium to reach you. My name is Mr Vincent Eta,i am a south-African National,I work as the Head of Logistic Dept to DIPLOMATIC SECURITY AND VAULTS COMPANY LTD here in Accra- Ghana.i decided to contact you, to be my partner in business so as to help me raise capital to invest in a profitable business abroad. I have been working with (D.S.V.C.) company for the past 6 years. Within this period, I have watched With meticulous intrest how African heads of states and government functionaries have been using DIPLOMATIC SECURITYAND VAULT COMPANY LTD to shift their money abroad. They bring in, these Consignment of money and secretly declare the content as, precious stones, family treasure Etc. The late Mobutu Seseko of Zaire, the late Gnassingbe Eyadema of Togo, etc. These past heads of states and president have hundreds of consignments deposited with DIPLOMATIC SECURITY AND VAULTS COMPANY LTD. Their foreign partners, friends, and relatives, have claimed most of this consignments. Alot of them are still uncaimed for as much as 10years; nobody may ever come for them, Because in most cases, the documents of deposit are never available to any body except the depositor, and most of them are dead. Since the inception of the 2000 millennium, DIPLOMATIC SECURITY AND VAULTS COMPANY LTD , management changed the policy/procedure of claims of consignments. That as on as you are able to produce all the secret information as contained in the secret file of any Consignment, it will be released to you upon demand. The late Jonas Savimbi has over 7 Consignments, deposited with several names and codes. 4 of this consignment have been claimed in past (10) Ten months, after his Death in Angola. I have finished every arrangement as to the claim, for you to come and claim consignments, No.1201 containing $15 million Dollars and No.1202 contaning $22 million Dollars, My plan is to supply you with all the information and documents regarding the Deposit of the Consignment by Fax. Nobody will ever know I am involved in this deal in the company. I�ll suggest upon conclusion, we share 50-50. I assure you that the business have been planned for 3 years now, and it is very secure. Please you can reach me as soon as you receive this mail or VINCENT ETA --------------------------------------------- So check out your adlandpro daily stats & see if you too have had 'vineta' visiting your profile, if you have you will also have this scam email in your personal mail box from 'Prince Efe' He's still a live member at the moment, I will send this email to Michael at Admin, or if Bogdan is reading this post, we have another spammer..... Your Security Friend in Las Vegas.
Flag of Trina Sonnenberg

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Re: A new Scammer Curse in our community!
3/30/2006 3:39:05 PM
When will these guys learn that there aren't too many people out there, anymore, who don't know that the Nigerian letter is a scam? I can't believe that these scumbags actually think that people who are smart enough to belong to an online community, such as this, are wise not to that crap. Have an awesome day! Trina
Trina L.C. Sonnenberg Freelance Commercial Writer TLC Promotions & The Trii-Zine Ezine ISSN 1555-2276
Flag of Nick Kitchen

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Re: A new Scammer Curse in our community!
3/30/2006 3:39:38 PM
Hello Anthony , i have not had this one but i had one yesterday , similar format nigerian type. This was from a woman , i just blocked it and deleted it , cant remember the name They dont learn do they . Maybe we should start writing to them saying we will give them millions of dollars , Only kidding Lol Cheers Nick
Infinity Trade Group is a private programme that has combined the elements of private managed investment and networking . Creating the most powerful wealth building business on the planet.
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Re: A new Scammer Curse in our community!
3/30/2006 3:39:54 PM
Hi Anthony, Thanks for letting us know, I usually let Bogdan know and he terminates them very quickly! Best Wishes John.
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Re: A new Scammer Curse in our community!
3/30/2006 3:49:22 PM
Hi Trina, They will not learn as they earn millions of dollars a year from these scams as there is always someone gulible or greedy enough to believe, that they will be getting money for nothing. It's a numbers game, you send the email to enough people, eventually you will find a greedy person, thats why they are called 'phishing emails' phishing, get it......... Your Security Friend in Las Vegas.

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