This system will reward you greatly for advertising your products, websites and banners. Each unit gives you a sales spot where you can advertise your products and place banner ads.
I've decided to join this passive earning program that I've been considering since last month. I just upgraded yesterday.
It requires no referring although if you do refer there are benefits.
The cost to get started is $100 but I can give you a coupon code that will give you $10 off!
I didn't quite understand just how wonderful this program really was until my sponsor really explained how it worked and now I'm really excited about it. If you would like additional information just email me here:
* * * In the subject line put PSG INFO!
* * * In the body please put your full name and email.
~ ~ ~ I will then send you the info you need to join and the referrer name to use.
I'll send you information on exactly how the program works and will give you step by step instructions on how to get started and really maximize the potential of this program.
I have a very good sponsor who is keeping up to date on how the program is working.
They take e-gold, e-Bullion, and Safe Pay.
I suggest using egold or e-Bullion because with Safe Pay you have a 7 day wait for your funds to clear so that puts your start date 7 days after you pay.
I went with e-Bullion because I'm going with Egold with 2 auto surf programs and I don't want all my earnings to come from just one payment processor.