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Free Link Exchange w/ 300 + Categories!
3/27/2006 1:40:23 PM
Hi Everyone! I'm currently setting up a *new* link exchange program! It's different from our Reciprocal Links program because in order to be one of our Link Partners, your site must fit into our categories for PR purposes. This link exchange has over 300 categories to choose from, so virtually anyone can join! Add your site to our index, and "shop" around for new link partners in your categories, absolutely FREE! Come check it out, but please keep in mind that I'm still playing around with it a bit. lol. Hurry! The first 50 sites to sign up get a FREE *featured* listing! (We already have 32 sites featured as of right now.) Here is the link: - Also, please let me know if you think of any categories I should add, and I will do that. :) TIA! Cordially, Danielle

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