Hi Linda,
It makes tremendous sense that woman are seeing such success in business. In fact, history shows that except for the times and places where women were prevented from having the freedom to run their own businesses, many women ran very successful businesses.
It was common, for example, back in the "old days," for men to go into the army and tramp all over the country and the world as soldiers, while their wives raised families AND ran successful businesses that fed, clothed and sheltered their families.
It's also no surprise that women do so much better on average than men in direct sales. We men, for some strange reason, seem to like to "go for the jugular," concentrating entirely on making the kill (oops... sale) as quickly as possible and then on to the next conquest (oops - there I go again - I meant, propect).
Women, on the other hand, have a natural knack for taking an interest in others and finding out what really interests them and what is going on in their lives. The sales part comes as a natural part of what is being shared, not as an end in itself. I have always marvelled and been humbled by how much my wife finds out about someone she has just met in a very short time. I'm learning (I hope) but always have to keep myself back from doing most of the talking and very little listening!
Typical MLM male opening: "Hi, I'm Joe B. Glad to meetcha."
Prospect: "I'm Fred C. The pleasure's mine."
MLM male: "Say Fred, what do you do?"
Prospect: "I'm a plumber and I hate my job!"
MLM male: "That's great; how do you like your job?"
Is is any wonder men struggle in direct marketing?
God bless,