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John Priestley

481 Posts
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Person Of The Week
Happy New Year
1/4/2021 6:04:00 PM
A bit late but I just wanted to wish you all a Happy New Year. I hope it brings you everything that you need even if it doesn't bring you everything that you want (Thank you, Rolling Stones).

Stay in touch, John.
Onward and upward,
John Priestley
This is what I use to help build my downline for free...
and you might like to check this out, while you are about it...
RE: Happy New Year
1/4/2021 6:17:22 PM
Happy New Year, It been raining in Sacramento but it need it. Enjoy your day.
May your life be touch by grace and peace: Darlene Atkinson
John Priestley

481 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Person Of The Week
RE: Happy New Year
1/5/2021 2:15:34 PM
Nice to hear from you.

A dusting of snow over hear near Munich in Germany, but not too cold. Waiting to hear if the schools stay shut next week and, if so, what we have to prepare for the kids so that the don't miss too much education. The university where I lecture has already decided to do distance learning for the whole winter semester.

Stay healthy, John.
Onward and upward,
John Priestley
This is what I use to help build my downline for free...
and you might like to check this out, while you are about it...
RE: Happy New Year
1/5/2021 6:41:58 PM
John, it is foggy in Sacramento, Ca U.S.A. I think your life read very interesting, I live in Sacramento, CA. since October 1974. I did retire in year 2015 working as and Office Assistant Tech. Once I retired I just really been super lazy but I receive more money since I slow down. John, what I discover it how I internalized my life is how it is for me.
I did lot of traveling while being employed after I retire I was so tired of all my going I just began staying home and focus on slowing my life down. I declutter my life and re-exampled my life what I needed what I did not need and change since I slow down.
Hope things going good for you health is the very best thing to have in this world.
I not sure if safe really possible after all everyone will die one day no matter how safe we all try to be. I wish it was not set up that way but it just is. Enjoy your day that about all ony of use can do is enjoy each day while we have days to enjoy Shared by: Darlene
May your life be touch by grace and peace: Darlene Atkinson
RE: Happy New Year
1/13/2021 2:19:44 PM
Yes in deed; my house sold & I flew to Colorado; arrived on the 8th and am enjoying the weather.

My New Year is full of new beginnings.

Now preparing to move from his apartment of three years; to a house.