
Don Evans

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Low Cost Gifting Program ... Growing Fast! ... Pays Daily! ... Sign Up Now!
11/10/2020 12:50:47 AM
Your Personal Invitation

This is not MLM. There are no products for you to buy and sell. You do not need a computer. Everything is done through the mail. Crowd funding websites like "Go Fund Me" have proven that asking for financial help is perfectly legal. These websites have raised billions of dollars for individuals requesting financial assistance. This is our “offline" Person to Person adaptation of an “online” Go Fund Me project. We have two affordable participation options starting for as little as $10 so that anyone can afford to participate. The company mails out gift checks TWICE A WEEK and we invite you to join us.

NOTE: Be sure to read the personal note from your sponsor at the end of this letter in red.

1. VIP Gift Participation. To get signed up, you and all new members are REQUIRED to make a ONE TIME gift of $10, $20, $35,00, $50.00 or $100 to their sponsor. That will qualify YOU to receive VIP gifts from members you personally sponsor ... up to the dollar amount at which you are participating. If you choose to participate at a lower dollar amount, you can upgrade to any one of the higher dollar amounts at any time. That’s the whole idea behind this program. You can get started for only $10 and work your way up to higher and higher gift amounts.

The VIP Elite Gift Participation.

I encourage you to get signed up for the $100 VIP Gift Option right away if you can possible afford to do so. If not, you can work your way up to that. You will want to get there as soon as you can because once you have sponsored your first two members with the $100 VIP Gift option, you are qualified to move into our VIP Elite program. And that’s where it really starts to get exciting! With those lower cost VIP gifts up to $100, you can upgrade to higher gift options at any time. However, VIP Elite Gifts Are Only Available To Qualified Members.

There are 3 VIP Elite Levels: $250, $500, and $1,000. Each level is a ONE TIME pay and will qualify you to receive gifts up to your level of qualification.

To qualify for the $250 VIP Elite level, you must first participate at our $100 VIP level and must have received at least two (2) $100 gifts yourself.

To qualify for the $500 VIP Elite level, you must first participate at our $250 VIP level and must have received at least two (2) $250 gifts yourself.

To qualify for the $1,000 VIP Elite level, you must first participate at our $500 VIP level and must have received at least two (2) $500 gifts yourself.

(Continued on next page)

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2. Monthly Participation.

Our monthly gift program is OPTIONAL and costs $10.00, $20.00 or $30.00 a month to participate. That qualifies you to receive monthly gifts from those you personally sponsor ... up to the dollar amount at which you are participating. If you choose to participate at a lower amount, you can upgrade to any one of the higher dollar amounts at any time. This is a real good way to set yourself up for a continuing source of monthly income! You cannot sign up for that here. You can do that later if you decide you want to after you receive your Welcome Package from the company which contains detailed information about how our program works.

How Do You Get Signed Up?

PRINT your NAME, MAIL ADDRESS and the VIP GIFT AMOUNT you want to start with below. Then mail this invitation letter to the company along with cash, check or money order for that amount. Make check or money order payable to SMARTZ.

Mail to:
Smartz - P.O. Box 971618 - El Paso, TX 79997

Neatly Print Your Name Here: _____________________________________

Neatly Print Your Mail Address On The Two Lines Below.



VIP Gift Amount You Want To Start With __________________

Your Sponsor Is: Don Evans ID# 10027

NOTE: One of our most successful team members wrote this letter for our team to use. I will send you a master copy of it after you get signed up and you can use it too.

Personal Note From Your Sponsor

If you are reading this online, you obviously cannot print your name, address and VIP amount you want to start on the page and mail to the company. However, there is an easy way for you to get signed up. Simply PRINT your name and address on a blank sheet of paper. Then below that, print the VIP Gift you want to start with. Below that, print my name and ID# Then mail that in to the company along with whatever VIP amount you want to start with. About 7 to 8 days after you mail that in, you will get a Welcome Package from the company ... AND that is absolutely awesome!
Prospecting Script

This was designed as a direct mail program, and it is. However, if you are the kind of person who can talk to someone in person about it, (and handle the rejection when someone says no), it can also be a good “Word Of Mouth" program. For instance, this is a generic script for a short presentation that you can use to invite people to join us. If you want to make some money, read it and then read the enclosed invitation letter ... AGAIN. Now think about this. This is the kind of financial opportunity that you don’t see very often. You can get started for as little as $10 and there is absolutely no limit to the amount of money you could make with our program!

My name is __________________. I know you are busy, so I will get right to the point. AND I promise this will only take about two minutes of your time. I’m a part time recruiter for a fast growing young company and I’m looking for two people today who might be interested in a real good way to make some extra money. AND those two people would be doing pretty much the same thing I’m doing right now with you. Talking to their friends and neighbors to see who might be interested in a real good way to earn some extra money.
This is not one of those MLM pyramid schemes. This is real. AND you don’t have to sell anything. All you have to do is hand out copies of this letter. That explains exactly how the program works and how easy it is for you to get started. I would like to leave you with a copy of that so you can look it over later after I’m gone. Then you can decide for yourself whether or not this is something you might want to do. Would that be OK with you?
If they say No, simply say OK. Thank you for your time. Have a good day. If they say YES, give them a copy of this prospecting script and the letter and say ... Good. I think you are going to like this. You will see my name and phone number on that letter. Please feel free to give me a call if you have any questions. Thank you for your time. Have a good day.
Feel free to use your own words. This is just an example. However, it is short and covers the things you might want to mention. Just be yourself and tell them about it ... AND leave them with a copy of that letter! There are lots of good things you could talk about with this program. You will learn more about that when you get your Welcome Package from the company. You really do need to see that! If nothing else, please do at least sign up for $10 VIP Option. That welcome package will include a little booklet that will show you how much money you could save with our Debt Reduction Plan ... as well as how many gift checks you could receive along the way and for how much money ... AND That part is absolutely awesome!

NOTE: One of our most successful team members wrote this letter for our team to use. I will send you a master copy of it after you get signed up and you can use it too.

I invite you to join us.

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