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Should every "newbie" be hounded to be friends?
3/11/2006 7:40:35 PM
OK. I am very new here, only a few days on. But I will still pose the question. Should every newbie (like me) be hounded over and over to become "friends" when the person asking has nothing in common or what they are offering is not of interest of the person being asked? I think not. I havew asked one person to be my friend. This was after exchanging a few messages with her and finding there was a reson to do so. Is that not the way it should be. Is it not just polite to at least look at the persons info before asking to be acepted as a friend? Just me letting off some steam. Feel free to psot your thoughts. I know some of you wont be able to resist.
Gary Simpson

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Re: Should every "newbie" be hounded to be friends?
3/11/2006 10:30:26 PM
Hi David, Don't get too concerned about it. It used to bother me when I first joined too. You get used to it. 95% of the invitations are from desperadoes who only want you as a "friend" so they can pitch all their rubbishy MLM, autosurf and other wacky schemes to you. If they took the opportunity to look at your tag (ie no MLM's) then they might stop to think that you are not the clone that they are searching for. They make me laugh. They're like dogs chasing their own tails. If you want you can wait a few days for them to build up then just give them what I call the "tick or flick" routine. Another thing that is becoming more and more prevalent is the "personal message" approach. You think somebody wants to tell you something important enough to do it personally then... kapow! More buy, buy, buy junk. I've started to ban the serial offenders because they do nothing but waste my time. In fact, they are wasting their own time mainly - it's just that they haven't realised it yet. Keep your chin up David. You are not alone. The rest of us suffer similarly. Gary Simpson
Re: Should every "newbie" be hounded to be friends?
3/11/2006 10:45:52 PM
Hi David, Yes, some of the 'opportunities' are not really much of anything. But also, every opportunity is not for everybody. So I take on friends as they come and hope we can be useful to each other at some point in time. If I feel like joining their threads, I do it. I take a look at some things, but nothing really has caught my eye recently, but you never know!
Re: Should every "newbie" be hounded to be friends?
3/12/2006 8:35:10 AM
Hi David; ========================================= Should every newbie (like me) be hounded over and over to become "friends" when the person asking has nothing in common or what they are offering is not of interest of the person being asked? I think not. ========================================= I think not, as well. However, that's not how most humans work. What we "should" do and what we "actually" do are often two different things. I think adults "should" act like adults. I think adults "should" act responsibly. I think adults "should" do due diligence. (I could go on...) But, do they? Some do. Not all. Just some. There is one fellow here that replies to all friends requests with a specific message. He tells people if they aren't making over $1,000 per month on what they are promoting, don't send him messages about it or he will simply delete them from his friends list. Lots of people get their undies in a knot about that. I think it's hilarious. : ) Linda

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