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eBay and PayPa ... The Good The Bad and The Ugly
3/11/2006 10:13:55 AM
OK Guys here is your chnace I want to here what everyone thinks about doing business on or with eBay and PayPal. The good, The bad and the just plain ugly.
Re: eBay and PayPa ... The Good The Bad and The Ugly
3/11/2006 11:38:14 AM
David, I've been doing business with both of them for quite a few years. No problems here. Ebay takes a bit of an education to do it well. But doesn't everything. As long as you follow the rules with Paypal you should not have any trouble. Of course there are the fees but that goes along with the cost of doing business. I've found the Ebay Turbo Lister to be a great tool if you have lots of listings to put up at once. Martha
Re: eBay and PayPa ... The Good The Bad and The Ugly
3/11/2006 11:48:38 AM
Thanks for the feed back. I guess I should clarify I have used eBay and PayPall quite a bit about a year ago to clear a lot of junk out from around the house. A kind of on line garage sale. I was able to raise enough to keep my bills almost paid for over 2 months that way. This was at a time where I was out of work and had no income of any kind. I did not find the PayPal fees that bad and they did put the money in my bank account pretty quickly.
Gary Simpson

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Re: eBay and PayPa ... The Good The Bad and The Ugly
3/12/2006 2:03:15 AM
Hi David, I use both too. The only thing that you have to be wary of is the NEVER ENDING mountain of scam emailers posing as Paypal or E-Bay security. All they are after is your password etc. Even though they think they are SO smart they are easy to detect. They look like frauds and that is exactly what they are. Only access your accounts through secure http addresses and NEVER give password details to anybody - especially via email. I get dozens of these annoying posers every week. I'd like to punch them right on the nose for being such dishonest JERKS. Gary Simpson

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