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Surveys.. yes? no?
3/9/2006 3:26:40 PM
OK. Maybe I fell into the newbie trap. Let my know what you think of on line surveys as a way to make a bit of cash or win some prizes. Any and all comments are welsome, I got big shoulders I can take it. VEG
Winston Scoville

536 Posts
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Re: Surveys.. yes? no?
3/9/2006 4:12:26 PM
My personal opinion? Complete waste of time. To me they fall right in there with paid-to-read email programs. There's usually a minimum payout and it could take forever before you get anything because "they" let you know when to fill out a survey. You just sit and wait.
Re: Surveys.. yes? no?
3/9/2006 4:17:41 PM
Or worse. Since I made this post a few hours ago I got an invite to do a survey. I responded within less then 5 mins to the web site in the email. (Yes I had nothing better to do). Bang the site pops open with the message the survey is now closed.
Gary Simpson

557 Posts
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Re: Surveys.. yes? no?
3/9/2006 6:55:13 PM
Hi David, I don't do surveys, questionaires or any of that junk - either online or offline. You see, all these things are just a ploy to capture names, addresses (emails) and phone numbers for tele-marketing. In the offline world let's say somebody pokes a raffle ticket in your face in a shopping centre. Let's say that you are either convinced or cajoled into paying your $5 and filling out the stub. That shiny new vehicle on display sure looks nice, doesn't it? Somebody has to win it. Why not you? All that aside, what happens to the information that you have provided? Data entry operators take all the stubs and key in all the details onto a list. That list then gets OFFERED and SOLD to anybody who wants a hot, new, juicy list of names to market their wares to. The list can get sold dozens, even hundreds of times. And your contact details are on it. Now you know where all those unsolicited telephone calls and (e)mail comes from. Surveys - uh-uh. Don't do them. I could say a lot more (based on my days in private investigation) but I am trying to be brief. Best Wishes Gary Simpson.

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