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Don Evans

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This Business Comes With A Full 100% Money Back Guarantee!
9/28/2019 11:47:55 PM
That's right, this business opportunity comes with my personal 100% Full Money Back Guarantee! Here's the way that works.

You will need to copy, fill out and mail the letter below to the company along with $40. That pays for your VIP Enrollment and 90 postcards and mailing labels.

It will take 10 to 14 days after you mail it for you to receive your welcome and Start Up package from the company. When you get that package, if for any reason you are not happy with what you see, I will personally refund you the $40 you spend to get signed up. That is no big deal to me. I earn a $35 commission for each new member I sign up, so if you don't like it, it will only cost me $5. I am betting that you will like it.

To get signed up, you will need to copy only this letter part directly below and print it. Then fill it out and mail it to the company along with your ONE TIME payment of $35.00. The letter starts here.

Your sponsor is Don Evans - Sponsor ID# 10027

For a ONE TIME COST of only $35.00 you can get signed up with The Smartz Networks, which I think is going to be the next big success story in direct mail marketing. On the back of this letter, I am going to enclose a copy “The Smartz Networks Highlights”. That will outline the 3 different ways we get paid with our program. You will see that we are primarily a direct mail program set up to mail postcards. However, that is an option, not a requirement. You can also use this letter to get signed up.

To get signed up now, return this page to: SMARTZ

P.O. Box 971618

El Paso, TX 79997

Print your first and last name on this line: ___________________________________________

Print your street address, city, state and zip code - AND phone number on the line below.

________________________________________ Phone Number ____________

Print your email address on this line ______________________

Include $35 for our One Time VIP Enrollment - NOTE: Everyone starts here.

______ Check here to add $5 (postage and handling) for 90 FREE postcards and leads to start promoting and earning 100% $35 commissions.

You can pay with CASH, Check or Money Order

What You Get With Your Welcome Package From The Company.

When you get your welcome package from the company, it will include an order form where you can order postcards and labels. You will also need to decide whether or not you want to participate in our 3- level Unilevel commission program. That will cost either $10, $20 or $30 per month depending on how much money you want to earn. If you want to earn some really big paychecks, I highly recommend that you do that.

I look forward to welcoming you to our team!

Don Evans


That is the end of the letter. The rest of this is an explaination of how our 3-Level Unilevel works. This is where the read money will be made with our company!

The Smartz 3-Level Unilevel

Your 3-Level Unilevel is automatically generated for you when you send in that one time cost of $35 for your VIP Enrollment. You earn a 100% commission for everyone you sponsor. That is the full $35.00. Everyone you personally sponsor make up your 1st level of the Unilevel. Everyone they recruit make up your 2nd level. And everyone they recruit make up your 3rd level.

Monthly Participation Costs And Earnings

This is an option. Not a requirement. However,, we highly recommend it, because that at is where the real money is going to made with this company! If you choose to participate, you earn 10%, 15%, or 20% Commissions depending on your level of participation. If you are participating at $10 per month, you earn 10% for all 3 levels. If you are participating at $20 per month, you earn 15% for all 3 pay levels AND if you are participating at $30 per month, you earn 20% for all 3 pay levels. If you have a credit card, you can go on Autoship and have your payment automatically paid for you each month.

The Unilevel allows unlimited width and features full compression every pay day. That’s important. What it means is that there is no limit to the number of people you can sponsor, so everyone can have an unlimited number of people on their 1st level, which of course will also create unlimited 2nd and 3rd levels. However, to qualify for Unilevel commissions, you have to have placed a monthly Unilevel order. If any member does not qualify their matrix in any given pay period, they will be compressed out for that pay period and their commissions will move up to the first qualified member upline ... for that pay period only.

Hypothetical Illustration

3 Levels, with an average of 5 orders each for $30, pays out $6.00.

$30 x 20% = $6.00

Level 1 - 5 x $6.00 = $30.00

Level 2 - 25 x $6.00 = $150.00

Level 3 - 125 x $6.00 = $750.00

Total of $930 per month.

With unlimited width and “Full Compression” every pay period, you can theoretically earn from unlimited levels and unlimited income. It is this multi-tier factor, combined with unlimited width and full compression that allows small monthly payments to pay out some real big paychecks!

Don Evans
