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Ken Wolff

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To complete this task you must refer 2 people to Click Track Profit
9/14/2019 11:34:17 PM

Hi ALP Friends,

Please share your strategies for referring members to Click Track Profit.
What? Not a member??? Easy fix...Click HERE to join.

Click New Reply below to share your strategies using graphics, capture pages to build your list, affiliate links to safe lists, forums, blogs, videos and other creative ways that I have not yet mentioned.

to your success,

Ken Wolff
FB & Skype ID:
Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team
Ken Wolff

1889 Posts
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Top 100 Poster
Person Of The Week
RE: To complete this task you must refer 2 people to Click Track Profit
9/15/2019 2:33:52 AM

Hello ALP Friends,

Thank you for visiting this forum. We just sent a message to all 5 of
Marci Jones Mailers inviting the members to come here and share their
strategies for promoting Click Track Profit. I highly recommend that
you join all of her mailers as they will give you great results in whatever
you are promoting. More about her sites and links to join if you are not
yet a member in a little bit but first here is a copy of the message we sent:
Subj: How Do You Promote Click Track Profit?


Please share your strategies for referring
members to Click Track Profit.

What? Not a member??? Easy fix...Click #CREDITLINK# to join.

If you are a member, get in touch with me and I will guide you to an Adlandpro forum ("To complete this task ... you must refer 2 people to Click Track Profit") where you can share your strategies using graphics, capture pages to build your list, affiliate links to safe lists, forums, blogs, videos and other creative ways that I have not yet mentioned.

to your success,

Ken Wolff
FB & Skype ID:

Click HERE to go to the top of this forum
Click on New Reply below any post in this thread to share what you
are doing to promote Click Track Profit.

Thanks for coming here ... you need to be a member of ALP if you would like
to participate in this forum. Click HERE to join if you are not yet a member.

Click on the following banners to join Marci's Mailers:

Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team
Ken Wolff

1889 Posts
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Top 100 Poster
Person Of The Week
RE: To complete this task you must refer 2 people to Click Track Profit
10/20/2019 10:34:23 PM
Hello ALP Friends,

I am looking for at least 2 people that are not yet members of Click Track Profit that would like to join and receive support from The Soaring Eagle Team in CTP. When you join you will be invited to join our team where we work together to help each other to achieve our goals.



Hi ALP Friends,

Please share your strategies for referring members to Click Track Profit.
What? Not a member??? Easy fix...Click HERE to join.

Click New Reply below to share your strategies using graphics, capture pages to build your list, affiliate links to safe lists, forums, blogs, videos and other creative ways that I have not yet mentioned.

to your success,

Ken Wolff
FB & Skype ID:

Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team
Ken Wolff

1889 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Top 100 Poster
Person Of The Week
RE: To complete this task you must refer 2 people to Click Track Profit
7/12/2020 10:33:01 PM

Click Track Profit is better than ever and yet it has a ways to go ... I just tried to post this reply to a post in Russell Stockley's #ctptalk Wheel of Engagement Post:

Congratulations, Jenn @pixiepost for winning the spin! I love watching your latest video on the relaunched ctp. As for the different types of Rankings there are on CTP, I would say 10 but then add the over all at the top that makes it 11. However you may need to multiply that with the Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum, and the 15 levels at each. Add my Beginner level which is stuck on 22:

Well, needless to say there was an error message and it did not post. That happens every once in a while when I run low on CTP Tokens or some of the other new units of so called value. So here I am again at ALP where I know like and trust the posting tools.

If you have any questions about Click Track Profit let me know. If I don't know the answer I can guide you to a place where you can find an answer.

Ken Wolff
Internet Marketing Consultant

The Soaring Eagle Team on Facebook
Connect with me on FB & Skype ID: ken.wolff1
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Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team

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