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Monday review (on Wed) for Denise Nero
3/8/2006 6:59:58 PM
Hi Denise... ========================================= Hello, I was wondering if I could get a review on a particular page on my site? I would like to know what I can do to try to move it closer to the top of the google search engine for the term dance dance revoluttion. I have researched this keyword and it does get a good amount of traffic. Any help with this page and my site in general would be appreciated. ========================================= You're right about the traffic. There are about 42,585 searches/month for that term. Incredible! Really nice looking site, by the way. Good job! : ) First, I checked the obvious... Who's ranking high for those terms and how do you stack up against them. This is what I found... --> Page rank: The sites that are ranking well have a page rank of 5-6 out of 10. Your page rank on that page is 5 out of 10. So far, so good. --> Keyword Density Your keyword density is 4.63% The site in spot #1 is only 1.67% So, that's not the problem, either. --> Popularity (aka, linkback) The links that are listed on page one of Google for that term have linkback rates of: 35,128 3,096 2,058 956 Your linkback rate (on that page) is: 20 So... I'd suggest that you work on increasing the linkback for that page. Given the fact that your page rank is equally high and your keyword density is better, if you can increase your linkback, you should find your site moving up in ranking. But, do be sure they're relevant links or they won't help. That's only a surface look at the competitive sites, but given all factors, linkback is usually the deciding factor in the eyes of a search bot. Also, with the recent changes at Google, incoming links are what you want. Google is starting to decrease and/or eliminate the value of link trades. They see link trades as just another way to try make a site appear more popular than it really is. Thus, inbound links with no corresponding outbound link have far, far more value than a link trade. One way to do that might be to put out some articles on kid's fitness, and include a linkback to that page in the sig file of the article. As people pick up the articles, you'll increase the linkback of that page not just by the article directories - but also by other sites that use the article in their feeds, newsletters, webpages, etc. You could also submit that page directly to the minor search engines. Don't submit to Google, because you'll rank better if they "find" the page than if you submit it. But, you can submit to dozens of smaller engines and increase linkback that way, too. Between a few good articles and the smaller search engines you should be able to boost linkback to push that page up higher in the rankings. : ) Hope that helps... and if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask! : ) Linda
Re: Monday review (on Wed) for Denise Nero
3/8/2006 11:20:52 PM
Dear Linda, Denise does have a very nice site. Denise, I hope you take Linda's advice. You should do very well. Sincerely,
Shannon Bolin
skype: shanbol
Re: Monday review (on Wed) for Denise Nero
3/9/2006 5:20:56 AM
Thanks Linda for the help. So I need to write articles :( I knew this have just been putting it off since I can not really write. Anyhow I will try to work on these things, I really appreciate your help. Denise
Kids health and Fitness Dance revolution, exercise videos, equipment and more!

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