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Taking Care of Your Dogs With Colloidal Silver
4/29/2019 3:10:52 PM
Taking Care of Your Dogs With Colloidal Silver

dogs Treeing

By Briana McDonald

I remember living out on my dad’s property when I was a child and inspecting our dogs for any injuries at the end of the day. They were always getting into something, chasing something, and leaving the house for days at a time. ( We had around 1,500 acres in the Texas Hill Country so who knows where they ended up!)

One thing was always certain, sure enough at some point in their adventures, even if they were just chasing a rabbit behind the shed, one of them would come back with a gash along his muzzle or leg. But, they were troopers and this never stopped their adventures from taking place. The thing is, if we would have spent money on conventional antibiotics EVERY TIME they got into something, it would have costs us a fortune!

So, before you run to your medicine cabinet for an antibiotic ointment or calling your vet, which by the way suppresses their immune systems and creates antibiotic resistance- consider this powerful alternative. Read More.

The Best Colloidal Silver on the Planet

Contains about 30 ppm of .9999 pure silver in de-ionized water. Silver inhibits the growth of one-celled organisms, (such as bacteria and viruses) by deactivating the organism's oxygen metabolism enzymes. In turn, this destroys its' cell membranes, stopping the replication of its' DNA. Also has strong anti-cancer properties

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