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5 Prime Time Words And Phrases That Sell!
3/1/2006 12:08:21 AM
1) agreement - This copywriting word will help outshine your economic fantasies. It will help make you a perfect company. It will allow you to afford costly campaigns. 2) ahead of - This copywriting phrase will help better your proposal. It will brush the advantage to your side. It will help you ride other future enthusiasms. 3) ahead of the game - This copywriting phrase will light up your gross. It will convert trials into purchasers. It will rob your visitor's eyeball. 4) ahead of the pack - This copywriting phrase will amplify your assets. It will transform walk ins into orders. It will clutch your prospect's attentiveness. 5) aided by - This copywriting phrase will help better your special deal. It will rake the leverage to your side. It will help you venture to other arousing enterprises.

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