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Kathy Hamilton

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Wealth booster- TIME OR MONEY
2/28/2006 11:40:31 AM
Hello my friends, Its time to have a dose of reality,kathy Time - Or Money? I've heard it said that you have to have either time, or money, to make any business work. If you have time, you can knock on the doors yourself, write the ads, build the infra structure, answer the phones to build your business. If you have money, you PAY people to do this for you instead. What I find interesting is that many people, and not even all the beginners in the games of wealth, are so very reluctant to pay a few measly pennies that could save them SO MUCH TIME. I knew a guy who messed around with installing software for 3 MONTHS - when you could pay $49 dollars extra and have someone who knew what they were doing install it for him in a single afternoon! This isn't "saving money", but TOTAL INSANITY. Just think of WHAT ELSE this guy could have done in all those HOURS UPON HOURS he WASTED on trying to mess around with something he didn't understand and simply couldn't do. Listen up and know this - even if you're unemployed or living in the gutter, YOUR TIME IS THE MOST PRECIOUS COMMODITY you will EVER have! Why is time more important than money? You can get money from the lottery if you're lucky, but there *is* no time lottery for you to hope to hit the jackpot one day! So yeah, this is a serious topic. For today's exercise, I want you to value your time at a mere $50 an hour, and I want you to spend just 60 seconds thinking about where you are LOSING money by the fistful because you're NOT spending a few bucks on a professional. ***** This is one of the BREAKOUT understandings that divides the rich from those who will never be, so give this one your best attention! *****
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Re: Wealth booster- TIME OR MONEY
2/28/2006 12:47:14 PM
Hi Kathy, This a great topic. I have times, but I don't have money. What's your input on that? Please tell your friends to visit Thank you!
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Re: Wealth booster- TIME OR MONEY
2/28/2006 12:54:25 PM
Hi Kathy! Thanks for the invite and reminder. "..Time is the most precious commodity "WE" will EVER have!.." Continued Success!
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Re: Wealth booster- TIME OR MONEY
2/28/2006 1:00:52 PM
Hi Papierre, You are right, this is a great topic. I hear what you are saying. You must remember the formula: TIMING+product+Position = Profit
A New "WIN WIN" Approach In Advertising! Advertising! That PAYS! What are you doing about soaring GAS Prices!? http://here-is-more.inf
Rudy Hiebert(rudyhiebert.myamsoil.c

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Re: Wealth booster- TIME OR MONEY
2/28/2006 1:27:47 PM
It's interesting to see this as topic. This can be applied to the changing of methods and products as well, which where common only a generation ago. Tradition and resisting change kept my father from using an air compressor and a nail gun when the competition could frame a house in three days. Our clients where of the type that preferred the trusty hammer and nail but did my arm ever hurt. If I am to take this on as an assignment, I would use the same analogy when applying it to the topic that turns my crank, superior synthetic auto luricants and related car care products. You may ask "How's that?". Tradition influences the last generation of vehicle owners to resist synthetic lubricants and new oil & air filtration that allows extended oil change intervals to the extent of one year, whichever comes first. This results in reduced operation and maintenance. Like the professional and his/her services, products and methods gets the job done with results in positive return on both time and money.

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