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Don Evans

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America Is Back! *** Share The Pride *** Only $39.95 To Earn Big Paychecks! ***
5/28/2018 10:23:18 AM

I am proud to be a member of Share The Pride and I invite you to join us. We support Children’s Charities with our unique, never seen before fundraising program where you have an opportunity to earn some really big paychecks simply by telling your friends & neighbors about us and inviting them to visit our website and spend $39.95 to buy one of our Share The Pride T-Shirts.

I signed up with Share The Pride on the 21st of March,by sending in an order form for $39.95 to order a T-Shirt through the mail. That set up my first earnings center in our 2 x 10 matrix pay plan. The projected launch date was the 1st of June. Ever since that day, I have been watching their progress as they progressed through the Pre-launch development . And Today, I was happy to learn that Share The Pride has launched! ... 8 days ahead of schedule.

Now Is A Good Time To Get Signed Up!

I was fortunate to sponsor 3 new members up early on ...through the mail. On the 1st of May we got our ID numbers ... through the mail and were were able to get into our back office and see what was going on there. I saw that none of my 3 people had sponsored anyone yet, but I had already had 13 people in my downline.

This pay plan is designed to create spillover and it is doing exactly that!

I will give you the website in just a minute and I want you to know that as of now you can visit the website to place that 1st T-shirt order and set up your 1st earnings center in YOUR matrix.

You can learn more about that from our 3 minute recorded introduction. That number is
(915) 444-5923

Get in now if you want to earn some Big Paychecks!

If you get signed up now and never sponsor anyone, you can could still earn some money. Not a whole lot of it but some along the way from spillover from your upline. You are automatically qualified to earn commissions on 8 pay levels of our 12 level pay plan. However, if you sponsor only ONE new member, you are qualified to also earn commissions on levels 9 & 10. Sponsor only TWO people and you are qualified to earn commissions on all 12 levels in the matrix.

How are you going to find those two people?

That's one of the things I really like about Share The Pride. When you visit the website & order your T-shirt, soon after that, you will be able to visit our marketing materials resource website.

There you can order two different kinds of postcards. The Jumbo is the one I responded to when I first signed up. We also have a beautiful regular size postcard. You can also order a mailing list to send those postcards too. So, here we are back through the mail again for this part of it. However, we know it works. My sponsor Scott tells me he mailed 500 of them and he has sponsored 41 people. I was one of them.

Since we talking about postcards, does that mean that is the only way you can do it?

That is answered on the resource website.

I will use my own words here rather than copy from the website. That might cause this announcement to be published on my profile only at MLMGateway and I want everyone to see it.

The answer to that question is NO. There are all kinds of ways that you can promote Share The Pride. We have postcards available as a convenience for our members. We know that many people like to use direct mail to find and sponsor new members. Probably the best of all ways is to share it with people you know. By email. Or text, by phone or with a letter. The choice is yours.

Remember, you only need to find and sponsor TWO new members to earn commissions on all 12 pay levels.If you do that, and those you sponsor do that, Share The Pride will take off for you. However, if you work a little harder at it and sponsor more people, you will see the Big Paychecks a lot faster. We also plan to have online marketing co-ops later in 2018.

I have some good promotional materials myself that will be available to you. Something where there is absolutely no cost to you. Something you can do in about 30 minutes a day. Something where you never have to talk to anyone ... until after they get signed up. Then you will want to say hello and welcome them to Share The Pride.

This is the website:
My ID# is 10027

I look forward to welcoming you as a new member!

Don Evans


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