This is a two part welcome email. This is the new part of it based on a Business Announcement I wrote that was published on MLMGateway on Tuesday, the 18th of April.
The last part includes the promotional material I wrote and have been using up to this point and will probably not use again except for those people who might not want to do these phone calls. I will not include the last part here. Please let me know if you would like to see it and I will send it to you.
This First Part is what I am going to concentrate on first because with it, we might not ever need anything else.
Non-Profit Fundraising - No Sales - 20 Minutes Per Day = Big Paychecks!
Click on this link to read the rest of this announcement.
Playing The Numbers Game.
Back in the old days of Network Marketing, your sponsor would tell you this is a numbers game. Talk to everyone you come in contact with and tell them about it. Some will sign up and some won't, so if someone don't sign up, just move on to the next person.
Playing the numbers game was hard for most people, because it was hard for them to approach strangers and try to sell them on some Home Business Opportunity.
We are playing the numbers game here too. Except that we don't ever have to talk to anyone. We simply leave them a short message and invite them to visit our website.
There are a whole lot of Non-profit organizations out there. You will not run out of people to call for a long time. However, if you want to do something different, you can call some traditional small business owners.
I have scripts written for Self-Storage, Beauty Salons, Tax Preparation, Financial Planners, Investments and Legal Services and you can probably think of more to ad to that list.
They all say pretty much thing, encourage them to listen to the info number and visit the website.
You will never run out of people to talk to!
Don Evans
You will need to print out the order form (big purple button), fill it out and put it in the mail to the company.
As soon as you do that, let me know and I will provide you with at least 100 people that you can start calling now.
I cannot tell you how many of these people you call will sign up. And you won't know either. Until after we launch. When we launch, you will get a notification from the company when someone signs up.
There is no need to wait though. You can start calling right away. By the time we launch, you could already have some people signed up, and it will be easier and faster once we launch.
I look forward to welcoming you to My Fundraising Team,
Don Evans