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Don Evans

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The Easiest Recruiting System In The World - It's FUN and Absolutely FREE
2/11/2018 3:54:45 PM
The Easiest Recruiting System In The World - It's FUN and Absolutely FREE


My name is Don Evans and I have been promoting one MLM/Network Marketing/Referral Marketing company or another for more that 20 years. I worked real hard at it too, and although I did make some money along the way, I certainly never did get rich. In fact, if I added it all up right now, I feel sure that it would show that I spent more money promoting it along the way than I ever made. Why did I not make enough money to send my kids to college, buy that nice home for my family, Or that real nice motor home that I was dreaming about all the time? Keep reading and I will identify the problem and my solution to that problem and how it can help you achieve more of your financial objectives.

What Was The Problem?

If you have been around the Work From Home industry very long, you already know the answer to that question. Right? The #1 problem with any MLM company or program is recruiting (sponsoring) new members (distributors)! Even though I might go out and sponsor a whole lot of people, I am not going to make any money if those people are not able to sponsor ... at least a few people, but most of them never do.

My Solution To That Problem.

It took me a long time to find the solution. Had given up on it in fact and never would have found the answer if not for an exciting new company getting ready to launch in April, and they have come up with a solution to that problem.

The Jokers Network is the perfect way to put a smile on your face AND money in your bank! It is a really fun business with a twice weekly supply of great jokes, funny cartoons and hilarious videos sent to you by email or via an App ……AND some real BIG Paychecks! They designed ...

... The Easiest Recruiting System In The World - It's FUN and Absolutely FREE.

That free part is only good until we launch. No big deal though, because after we launch, it will only cost ...about $20, so anyone can afford it. The easy and fun part is that you get to share some really funny stuff with your family, friends & neighbors AND not even have to talk to them to do it. Our members receive an email twice a week with a link to the unique Joke Page on the website. All they need to do is to forward the email to family, friends & neighbors...and anyone with a sense of humor or someone who wants to earn some extra money, AND, it's worded in such a way that there's no need to add a covering note or anything. All you have to do is forward that email. That is good old fashioned “Word Of Mouth” advertising at it’s best!

Please click below to see our short introduction video

Please click the link below to see latest Joke Page and/or to visit
the company website and sign up.

Or, you can sign up here without the joke page.

You will need my name, my ID# and my email address when you sign up.
My name is Don Evans. My email address is and my ID# is G0000033


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