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Since Blogging Is Getting More Popular ...
2/23/2006 3:57:45 PM
I thought I would remind everyone since blogging is getting more popular and becoming more versatile with podcasting and videos Bizzy Blogz is here and can handle the task. We have always been. Plus ... BIZZY BLOGZ AFFIL.IATES C.A.S.H CONTEST Well, well. Bizzy Blogz is getting 'BIZZY' ! http://www.BizzyBlogz.Com F.r.e.e Blogs. The affil.iate program is growing well and glad to see people recruiting and MAKING M.O.N.E.Y ! And we want you to make EVEN MORE M.O.N.E.Y ! So, let me tell you about the 'BIZZY BLOGZ AFFIL.IATES C.A.S.H CON-TEST'. $500.00 TOTAL C.A.S.H PAY-OUT ! Need some Extra Christmas m.o.n.e.y? Or to pay for New Year's reservations? Maybe just need the c.a.s.h (gas prices, you know?) You can have a chance to not only earn m.o.n.e.y but WIN M.O.N.E.Y, TOO ! Here's the deal. First, you have to be an affil.iate. Second, you have to promote and get signups. Once we reach the 3000 members then we P.AY THE WIN.NERS ! Here's the breakdown; 1st. Place $250. 2nd. Place $100. 3rd. Place $50. 4th. Place $25. 5th. Place $25. 6th. Place $10. 7th. Place $10. 8th. Place $10. 9th. Place $10. 10th. Place $10. A total of $500 out in So you'll get for getting members PLUS have a chance at WIN.NING C.A.S.H ! Here is an axample of what you can see. You recruit 200 members That's $400.00 from those members and if you are the top recruit you get $250.00 C.A.S.H. A total of $650.00. Let's say you do better. You recruit 1000 members. That's $2000.00 per month for you plus bonus c.a.s.h if you win. Can you live on $2000.00 a month from just BLOGGING? And have more time to promote other businesses, to? Like MEGA Traffic that pays you for member upgrades, Executive Hosting Services pays to sell hosting packages, AND we are including various ebooks and scripts for you to use and resell. You still reading this? You're losing customers. Go get 'em and and WIN THAT M.O.N.E.Y ! Not yet an affil.iate? Go here... Please note: One Free account in both our blog service AND our affiliate program. Newest Release: Podcasting For Fun & Profit! Podcasting Teleprompter - Make Yourself Sound Like A Pro! FREE Niche Report AlertPay - A BETTER Alternative to PayPal Coming soon "Ads By The Squares" Kenneth R Sword Jr Co-CEO - Bizzy Blogz Copy this link to your RSS Reader:
Bill Dugan

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Re: Since Blogging Is Getting More Popular ...
2/23/2006 6:27:28 PM
Hello Kenneth, Is there a page on the BizzyBlogz website that explains what is offered in the different packages available? I visited and saw no links to information pages, only sign-up pages. Some of my questions have to do with podcasting, and using a BizzyBlog for that purpose. Is BizzyBlogz set up to accomodate podcasting? Does it automatically create the necessary RSS file with the appropriate enclosure? How much bandwitdth and storage space comes with the various BizzyBlogz accounts (a popular podcast would consume a lot of bandwidth as well as needing storage space for the mp3 files)? tia Bill Dugan
Nan Herring

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Re: Since Blogging Is Getting More Popular ...
2/23/2006 6:53:57 PM
oooooooo kenneth, i'm so excited about this. i have 19 of us on my team now. this is gonna be a great year for bizzyblogs. bill, i'm sure kenneth can answer better than i can, but we are set up to handle podcasting needs. i am so excited about the possibilities. my first podcast will be on soon. i put my link under here so you can visit. i would love to help you. you know how to find me. nan
Re: Since Blogging Is Getting More Popular ...
2/24/2006 1:44:09 PM
Hi Ken, Thanks for the invite. Since Blogs are getting more popular, your email came at an opportune time. I received an email about a petition which I signed and I am going to put it on my Blog. All those out in Cyberland who are concerned about what values are children are being taught today, please go to this site. It would be even better if you put this link in your blog. This is a petition against a game company which is bringing out a game that has people killing policemen. I think there is enough violence and crime in the world today that children are exposed to without teaching it to them Please don't cop out and say it is just pretend! The more something is pounded into our heads the more it is believed to be true or acceptable whether it is true or not. Thank you Patricia Downing
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Lisa Lomas

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Re: Since Blogging Is Getting More Popular ...
2/25/2006 12:36:31 AM
Hello Kenneth, We must of been thinking on the same lines. I love my bizzy blog it looks really well done I hardly even tried really. Also what you can do with blogs now its so wonderful & cool. I just included this bizzyblog on my section on free advertising challenge. Thanks for the update. Lisa
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