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Don Evans

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Brutal Rape Of Female Conservative Reporter - Might Not Be Acceptable For Kids.
2/2/2018 10:40:21 AM
You Can Help To Make America Great Again!

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NOTE: 1 - This message is also posted in my Make America Great Again forum and we welcome your comments there!

Note: 2 - Remarks below the link are from those who watched the video. What do you think?

Laura Ingraham
Brutal Rape Of Female Conservative Reporter
That part in is about 26 minutes into the video. Before that, Laura interviews two of the parents whose daughter was brutally murdered by MS-13 gang members. After that she shows a clip where Maxine Waters downplays the presidents State Of The Union speech and says "This might not be acceptable for children.


Liberals have called so many people racist that the word has lost its meaning.

my thoughts and prayers are with these families...god bless you Laura for giving these families the chance to say what they feel...these democrats are disgraceful people i am embarrassed they have seats in our government.

Congressman Geremendi - You must think your constituents are idiots. The Intelligence Report that came out mysteriously right before Trump was sworn in was inconclusive as to Russian hacking - the Obama crony computer firm Crowdstrike supplied the guesswork - that was accepted on face value by Brennan, Clapper - who frankly were democrat hacks. That started the whole myth of Russian interference in the election. Face it computer hackers are always attempting cyber espionage but to say it interfered in the election is ridiculous - Then the myth of Trump- Russia collusion was put forth. All of this was going on while the FBI repeatedly failed to hold Democrats or anyone accountable for a whole host of other issues - Email National Security, Uranium One, Clinton foundation Pay for Play. If your congress can find a way for the country to go from 10 Trillion to 21 trillion in debt and you cannot shore up Computer security - you are an all talk no action partisan Politician. You can try to hide the truth about the Democratic corruption but it is now coming out and I hope those people pay for their dishonesty, Fraud and corruption. If it takes a Military Tribunal - I support it 100%

Maxine Walters is the one who is a racist she should be impeached she is the worst human being and liar I have ever heard . And that TV person who introduced her, that woman needs to be taken off the air for her to say that about the president of the United States being the head of the KKK? where is the respect for the United States? You make the United States look pathetic in the eyes of the world. you piece of ****.

.3 X 10 Matrix

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3 X 3 = 9
9 X 3 = 27
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729 X 3 = 2,187
2,187 X 3 = 6,561
6,561 X 3 = 19,683
That's 29,493 people who have read it. And it continues to grow through infinity!

Don Evans
The Freedom Loving Country Western Cowboy


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