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Kathy Hamilton

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We need your assistance
2/21/2006 1:11:42 AM
Hello my friends, My friend needs your help with his tower hits site,please help him out and test it and let us know what you think of it if you will please. I'm just launching and your help would be really appreciated! Before I make this public, I'd like to give all my friends here on Adlandpro the opportunity to join first. It's free, runs smoothly and quickly, and unlike many surf programs, gives a nice full view of your website in the browser window. I will be working over the next little while to upgrade portions of the site and make corrections to the text where the programmers (where do those guys learn English?) made grammatical and spelling errors. It would help a lot to have you and your friends testing the system before I begin advertising the site. If you would try it and let just your friends know about it until full launch, that would be wonderful! You'll be in at the very beginning and will have the benefit of introducing this to the world and having a potentially huge traffic driving machine as more and more new members join under you. Make no mistake; this is a great way to get your website noticed by Alexa. Thanks for reading. I really appreciate the help.
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Re: We need your assistance
2/21/2006 4:00:12 AM
Kathy I am willing to test the site and perhaps join. Will be keeping an eye on the next posts, to see what exactly you want me (us) to do. Thanks Kathie Laisa
Carla Carey

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Re: We need your assistance
2/21/2006 7:55:23 AM
HI Kathy, I got the email and joined! Also it's in a forum I have too. Hope we can get the word out about it. Have a blessed day! Carla :)
Glad to make your acquaintance! Carla Carey
Deborah Skovron

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Re: We need your assistance
2/21/2006 8:53:15 AM
Hi Kathy, Thank you for the reminder. I signed up right away. Dave is such a nice man. Your Good Friend Deborah
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Lisa Westberry

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Re: We need your assistance
2/21/2006 10:27:34 AM
Thank you Kathy, I will check this out and see if I can help too. Dave is a great man. Your Friend,

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