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Welcome To The Feature Of The Week! (31st Edition)
2/20/2006 6:00:01 AM
*************************************************************** *************************************************************** Greetings To Everyone At AdlandPro From John Sanchez and LaNell! It’s time again for my favorite project of the week and that is the Feature of The Week! It is my favorite project because you folks and the POTW’s of the week make it a very special event. We are all so fortunate to be a part of this community that is made up of so many friendly and talented people. Thank you so much for your support and for making this event so special. Love and Blessings to you all! John R. Sanchez The reason the Feature of the Week forum was created was to honor people who have a positive influence on this community. To qualify the person has to be an active member and one who contributes to the positive atmosphere here AdlandPro. Here are the criteria for selecting a member for the Feature of the Week (also referred to as the Person of the Week, POTW). This criterion can be seen at the site below: Criterion How Do I Get Selected as Person of the Week? To be chosen as Person of the week you: • Are highly visible on the community • Are always seen as respectful, professional, and helpful. • Must be nominated for the program by another member of the Community and voted on by other members. ****************************************************************** This week’s POTW is our Canadian friend from Yarmouth Nova Scotia; his name is Dennis Clairmont. Dennis has been a member of AdlandPro since November 2004. In that time he has made many friends here because of his friendly nature. He is a person that likes to help people and for that reason the members have responded by electing him as this week’s POTW. Congratulations Dennis, enjoy your week! ****************************************************************** Here's Dennis' Bio: Hi All The Most important thing is a huge Thank You to all My Adlandpro Friends.Each and everyone of you in this community have brought something to the table Friendship is #1.Also many other Skills that help me in over the year Ive been a member in adland.I'm a changed person just by interacting with all of you good people.It's amazing how just chatting with people will steer you where you need to go.All those ideas,techniques combined together could some day be one h*ll of a team. Dennis's Clairmont About me: I hale from N.S. Canada Married Wife Sandy and Three Sons,One Grandson. My great great great Grandfather Married a First Nations.He was Killed by Prates he owned his own island and had to protect his family and land.He managed to hold them off long enough to give time for his wife and kids to run to a hidden boat and make it to the mainland to safety. My great great grandfather went out fishing in his small fishing boat and was never seen again lost at Sea. My Great Grandfather married a First Nations lived to the old age of 101. Grandfather also married into the French Community.He fished and Farmed for a living. Father Married French He was WW2 Vet Trade after WW2 a Contractor. Mother French Met my Father during the war. Growing up i was like every kid in trouble most of the time.I was #2 of 4 kids.My Father and Mother both had jobs and us kids need to learn how to take care of the place at an early age.I could cook a full meal by the age of 10.Look learn to look after the animals (cattle,pigs,Chickens and then go cut wood in the freezing winter up here in Canada.By 12 years old i could go for days in the freezing cold in the forest and come out fatter that i went in.I ran a trap line and hunted being somewhat color blind i had to be careful what i shot at lol.One time i shot another hunter in the knee with bird shot and from then on made sure in didn't miss. Teenager i got my first car at 18 a 1966 Chevy Malibu then started drag racing the 1/4 mile.Later i built up quite a few fast cars and earned extra money.I soon seen that racing i couldn't earn a living at being in the hospital for too many accidents like blow outs at 120 MPH and nothing left to the cars but a tow the scrap yard.So from there i drifted all over canada and parts of the USA Working every job that paid me a decent wage. I'm living n a small town Yarmouth Nova Scotia Lake View:Nice and quite but minutes from the Town.I've owned and operated A Taxi Cab Company.Construction/Lumberjack/Fishing/Factory Management/Farmer/Harvester Canada /US/Hunter Guide/And now Internet Marketer. 3 grown sons Jason Lobster Fisherman,Jeremy PR team,Jeffrey Web Designer One Grandson Devon 4 years old. My Wife Sandy works and opened a new Wall Mart in our town and loves her new job. I've been marketing on line since 1995.I've Started On line Gaming Clubs Websites Recruitment,Personal Controller,Server Operator, Payment Manager, Tournament Manager,Website Designer,With over 1000 members.Operated and owned EMC for 5 years sold out in 2000.That was my first On line Relationships Experience.When you have 300 to 400 members wanting results you have to decide the best way to go and do it fast.No room for BS with gamers and there teams.Those guys live to play and pay to play and expect there's money's worth and fast.I soon found our that Building Teams is tough enough holding the teams together is not so easy.Finding Free Members is one thing selling products and upgrades takes time and constant information to clients. I've marketed so many products i can't remember 1/2 of them.I have had some success with a few products in the past earning up to $900 Monthly in payment checks from far away as Hong Kong 30 days to clear at the banks. My marketing experience range from many business projects you name it I've done it.Marketing from experience my class room is my connection on the Internet my screen keyboard,mouse and years of viewing reading honing in on the target markets.From 1997 to 2002 I was like millions of people gaming on the Internet to have fun in the winter months.I got pretty darn good at after awhile.The deeper i got into gaming the more it took to keep a team of hundreds of people on the team and my leader started giving me more and more responsibilities.I had to learn fast and i had to do things right.Then one day my leader up and quit it all and i took over the whole team of at the time 300 players the website and all it's functions the logos the forums awards going out badges to pass out monthly.Recruiting new members paying for servers it was thrown all on my shoulders with a see yea later.That was my first experience with dealing with ppl on line.So after looking back i was recruiting 1000's and promoting the gaming team just to play games.Four Years as EMC Leader 1000's passed through my doors. I've Built advertising Per Day about i can cover that in 1 hr.I've bought every kind of advertising tool i could afford but never on the monthly plan there worthless and cost you too much money.I buy one time payment tools that i can keep forever and get to over 1 billion advertising a day to websites/emails /messageboards/blogs/ezines/more. As a 1 year Adlandpro Member self taught Marketer come up the hard way through trial and error.I'm currently working on my biggest and best under taking to date.RightRoad My bottom line is i'm willing to listen and learn to all new ideas.The Internet moves with light speed.I realy accept the fact that Relationship Marketing is the future of the marketing world.The old Solo days don't work well like they did a few years back. Future Bio So I'm ready for the Ultimate Team The new way to Future Market Success:..RightRoad Training And Marketing have a plan that can cut business cost to a minim.Advertising selected products/businesses/tools/training/ all layed out in an easy to follow plan::It's time for the small guy to team up and stop the solo plans that are failing over and over again.The Ultimate Plan that will Blow the solo Marketing Techniques Away...So for those of you that have wanted better in the years of nickle and dime earnings monthly this could potentially Be the Jackpot Training you need..I've recently Team up with Bo Tipton when he came to me and presented his plan that took him a year to set up.Let me say Bo did his homework on the RightRoad Program.(Don't Work For the Money or the Products Work for the people money and products are only tools to RightRoad)That Line Blew me away:For Struggling Marketers a plan to follow not to keep running that Brick wall.Let me say I've run into it many times i guess i was to stubborn to stop and see the big picture.So thanks for checking in and reading i hope to see some of you on our team. I"M CURRENTLY INVOLVED IN A HECK OF A PROJECT FOR NEW MARKETERS CONTACT ME ASAP. ONLY YOU CAN HELP YOURSELF BEFORE YOU CAN HELP OTHERS. Thanks to you all Best Wishes Dennis Clairmont ****************************************************************** Folks, please take the time to congratulate Dennis for his work here at AdlandPro. If you don’t have Dennis on your friends’ list please take the time to invite him to join your circle of friends. Thanks! Love and blessings to you all from, John Sanchez and LaNell *************************************************************** *************************************************************** My Blogs Goodwill Ambassador BioPerformance
Re: Welcome To The Feature Of The Week! (31st Edition)
2/20/2006 6:45:02 AM
Well done Dennis! Regards Gaylia
Gaylia Hunter
Re: Welcome To The Feature Of The Week! (31st Edition)
2/20/2006 6:49:50 AM
Hi John and LaNell :) CONGRATULATIONS!!! Dennis enjoy your week in the Spotlight for POTW you truly deserve the honour!! Have a wonderful day!!:)
Craftie Linda

1349 Posts
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Person Of The Week
Re: Welcome To The Feature Of The Week! (31st Edition)
2/20/2006 6:54:42 AM
Dennis Congratulations Thanks John and LaNell Linda
Douglas Grounds

334 Posts
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Re: Welcome To The Feature Of The Week! (31st Edition)
2/20/2006 6:58:55 AM
Hello Dennis welcome to person of the week, your adland friend Douglas Grounds PS>>I pray the dinar takes off how about you.
Douglas Grounds