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Jim Allen

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Charlottesville Mayor Michael Signer Caught Supporting Slavery!
8/26/2017 1:31:06 AM

Charlottesville Mayor Michael Signer Caught Supporting Slavery!

To some who have viewed the progressive movement from the outside, it would come as no surprise to find that the current trend of destroying war monuments is really about destroying history itself. Over the last 40 years, there has already been a progressive altering of the history books in academics as it is emphasized mainly bad points of American history and omitted anything positive. It has exchanged the ideas of freedom and liberty for “social justice.”

The result of this altering has shown to be evident, manifesting itself in the form of riots sparked by uninformed citizens fueled by the media. The media has worked in concert with academia to achieve the same end. Therefore, it is arguable that the current-day riots and civil unrest are signs of success on the part of the progressive movement.

Charlottesville is a stark example of this progressive ideology in action. There were two sides fighting, both from the left. One side is labeled by the media as “right” and they both were equally violent, but only those labeled “right” have been reported on. Add to it that freedom of speech was prevented from being exercised. Many in the events that occurred were completely unaware of how they were being played by walking into a narrative that could ultimately strip both sides of liberty.

In the novel “1984”, the main character, Winston, worked for a government department labeled the “Ministry of truth”. His job was not to write the truth but destroy any information that the government wanted destroyed and to write new information that the government wanted reported, regardless of the truth. In essence, there was no real history--only what the government wanted people to think or know.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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RE: Charlottesville Mayor Michael Signer Caught Supporting Slavery!
8/26/2017 1:32:47 AM

The mainstream media did not report all of the facts but instead showed solidarity with what other pseudo-intellectual elites want to be believed. This type of intentional ignorance shows a potential for real evil that is likely lurking in the narrative.

Rush Limbaugh pointed out a disturbing idea in his August 15thbroadcast. A caller by the name of Calvin compared the Confederate statues being torn down to Isis terrorists destroying monuments and ancient antiquities. His view was that both occurrences were being done to appease the “offended”, but Limbaugh slightly disagreed.

The famous host told the caller that he liked the analogy of the Isis, but pointed out that Isis is not destroying ancient monuments because they are offended by it. “They’re wiping it out to erase it!” he stated. “They are trying to end all references to that which they disagree with.” He also referred to it as “’1984’, Isis style”.


Charlottesville Mayor Michael Signer Caught Supporting Slavery!

To some who have viewed the progressive movement from the outside, it would come as no surprise to find that the current trend of destroying war monuments is really about destroying history itself. Over the last 40 years, there has already been a progressive altering of the history books in academics as it is emphasized mainly bad points of American history and omitted anything positive. It has exchanged the ideas of freedom and liberty for “social justice.”

The result of this altering has shown to be evident, manifesting itself in the form of riots sparked by uninformed citizens fueled by the media. The media has worked in concert with academia to achieve the same end. Therefore, it is arguable that the current-day riots and civil unrest are signs of success on the part of the progressive movement.

Charlottesville is a stark example of this progressive ideology in action. There were two sides fighting, both from the left. One side is labeled by the media as “right” and they both were equally violent, but only those labeled “right” have been reported on. Add to it that freedom of speech was prevented from being exercised. Many in the events that occurred were completely unaware of how they were being played by walking into a narrative that could ultimately strip both sides of liberty.

In the novel “1984”, the main character, Winston, worked for a government department labeled the “Ministry of truth”. His job was not to write the truth but destroy any information that the government wanted destroyed and to write new information that the government wanted reported, regardless of the truth. In essence, there was no real history--only what the government wanted people to think or know.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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RE: Charlottesville Mayor Michael Signer Caught Supporting Slavery!
8/26/2017 1:34:17 AM

In the novel “1984”, the main character, Winston, worked for a government department labeled the “Ministry of truth”. His job was not to write the truth but destroy any information that the government wanted destroyed and to write new information that the government wanted reported, regardless of the truth. In essence, there was no real history--only what the government wanted people to think or know.

This is exactly what is taking place today with academia having done, and continuing to do, its part in ensuring that people aren’t educated with real knowledge. The media is responsible for capitalizing on the ill-informed coming out of academia by turning them against those who have learned actual truth.

By not teaching and referencing history, the American culture is doomed to failure as a free society. American citizens are being prevented from learning from past mistakes. The violence this causes gives the progressive movement more power to exercise its chief objective of total government control or “statism.”

“Greater good” legislation, will mandate that free speech be eradicated by disallowing “hate speech”. The uninformed masses that have not learned history will not be able to identify this type of legislation as “bad.” They will not understand that the government will then be able to define what “hate” is and change it to fit its agenda. People who engage in it will be punished. Most certainly, hate speech will include any language that is critical of the government.


The mainstream media did not report all of the facts but instead showed solidarity with what other pseudo-intellectual elites want to be believed. This type of intentional ignorance shows a potential for real evil that is likely lurking in the narrative.

Rush Limbaugh pointed out a disturbing idea in his August 15thbroadcast. A caller by the name of Calvin compared the Confederate statues being torn down to Isis terrorists destroying monuments and ancient antiquities. His view was that both occurrences were being done to appease the “offended”, but Limbaugh slightly disagreed.

The famous host told the caller that he liked the analogy of the Isis, but pointed out that Isis is not destroying ancient monuments because they are offended by it. “They’re wiping it out to erase it!” he stated. “They are trying to end all references to that which they disagree with.” He also referred to it as “’1984’, Isis style”.


Charlottesville Mayor Michael Signer Caught Supporting Slavery!

To some who have viewed the progressive movement from the outside, it would come as no surprise to find that the current trend of destroying war monuments is really about destroying history itself. Over the last 40 years, there has already been a progressive altering of the history books in academics as it is emphasized mainly bad points of American history and omitted anything positive. It has exchanged the ideas of freedom and liberty for “social justice.”

The result of this altering has shown to be evident, manifesting itself in the form of riots sparked by uninformed citizens fueled by the media. The media has worked in concert with academia to achieve the same end. Therefore, it is arguable that the current-day riots and civil unrest are signs of success on the part of the progressive movement.

Charlottesville is a stark example of this progressive ideology in action. There were two sides fighting, both from the left. One side is labeled by the media as “right” and they both were equally violent, but only those labeled “right” have been reported on. Add to it that freedom of speech was prevented from being exercised. Many in the events that occurred were completely unaware of how they were being played by walking into a narrative that could ultimately strip both sides of liberty.

In the novel “1984”, the main character, Winston, worked for a government department labeled the “Ministry of truth”. His job was not to write the truth but destroy any information that the government wanted destroyed and to write new information that the government wanted reported, regardless of the truth. In essence, there was no real history--only what the government wanted people to think or know.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

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ALERT: Liberals Destroy Famous Statue, This Is Heartbreaking
8/26/2017 1:46:32 AM

ALERT: Liberals Destroy Famous Statue, This Is Heartbreaking

(Christian News Alerts) – In response to Charlottesville, the alt-Left has been targeting historical statues for removal and vandalism all across the US. Although the initial fervor was for Confederate monuments, the movement now attacks all statues–deeming all of America’s history, culture, and heritage to be “racist” in some way.

An act of destruction has left residents of the Longview, Texas community deeply unsettled. As reported by the Longview News-Journal, vandals knocked down a statue representing armed service members, which guarded the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier monument at Veterans Plaza.

Air Force veteran David Applewhite of Gladewater, who works with the Veterans Recognition Foundation, was one of the first to discover the toppled statue at Longview’s Teague Park. He issued a statement informing the community about the act of vandalism.

“One of the statues guarding the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier monument has been pushed over by vandals at the Veterans Plaza in Longview. Was not young children who did this.” A photograph of the scene seemed to support Applewhite’s statement.

The statue’s feet were broken, causing it to fall over. Children would likely not have had the physical strength to destroy the stone or push it over. This led city residents to suspect that it was the work of politically-motivated vandals.

The Veterans Plaza was officially opened in November, 2015. It features permanent markers for each American war since World War I. The fallen statue is not of the Unknown Soldier himself, but rather represents all members of the Armed Services and their sacrifices for this country.

As reported in Texas Hill Country, many people in the community have expressed their anger at the assault on a beloved city monument. A number of voices have called for severe punishment for the vandals. However, the culprits are yet to be found.

Statues have been vandalized throughout the nation as alt-Left protesters fight against what they consider to be a “racist” legacy in America. In some cases, local government is responding by relocating controversial statues.

One of the most prominent objects of contention is the statue of Robert E. Lee in Durham, North Carolina. As reported by The Hill, hundreds of protesters gathered around the monument, calling for it to be taken down. A number of protesters have physically attacked the Lee monument, prompting their arrest.

As Christian News Alerts reports, several of the protesters at Durham are members of a radical communist group known as the World Workers’ Party. This group openly praises dictatorial world figures like Cuba’s Fidel Castro and Venezuela’s Nicolas Maduro. These left-leaning activists despise America, its history, and culture.

Although the original goal of alt-Left protesters was to remove Confederate statues because of the association between the Confederacy and slavery, they now seek to take down all American historical monuments–as President Trump predicted.

A statue honoring service members, a Christopher Columbus statue, and a California priest statue have all been vandalized. Is the statue violence becoming random?

The Baltimore Sun observes that a Christopher Columbus statue has now been vandalized. Catholic News Agency reports the defacement of a monument to a famous California priest. And, as Breitbart notes, the Jefferson Memorial will soon be changed to reflect the founding father’s history as a slave owner.

The alt-Left is seemingly on a mission to rewrite history in a way that transforms America from a revered nation to one that is to be held in contempt.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success
