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* * * The BBB, FBI and Stormpay * * * Also NEW Program ~ Test for $1.
2/19/2006 8:05:19 AM
(This is a repeat of a post that went out in another forum yesterday. I'm including it in this forum because not all of my friends are members of the other forum.) Hello again. First of all for the last few days I've spent countless hours researching different Auto Surf programs. I still have days and hours of work left to do. Hopefully in the next 2-3 days I can start trying to catch up in reading and responding to emails bit by bit, but my first priority is to create 20-30 different income streams in the next few weeks. I'll be testing out a free program that let's you auto surf 20 programs at the same time. If it works, I'll pass the link onto my referrals. My goal is to add 20 or more auto surf programs to my portfolio. I'll do a combination of newer programs, older programs, low and high percentage paying programs, different payment processors and different unit expiration time frames. My goal is to have a daily income coming from several programs using several different payment processors, so I don't have the majority of my income coming from one payment processor. In the light of what has happened that seems like the best game plan to have. For every program I choose for my portfolio I'm passing over several others or putting some on a watch/wait list. I'm also reading up on what others who are making a full-time income from Auto Surf programs, have to say and what those whose business it is to monitor the auto surfing industry have to say. On top of that for every program I consider I'm visiting numerous monitoring websites and forums to get a feel for what the feedback is concerning the program before I even decide to join the program for free! I also plan to add HYIPs, other passive earning programs and other programs that aren't auto surf or HYIPS to my portfolio. By the way, an online acquaintance of mine of several years has sent me information on a passive earning program that isn't auto surf or HYIP. I'll probably join that in the next few days and let you know about it as well. For any program that you join if you check the option for me to be able to contact you by email as your personal sponsor, I'll add you to my distribution list for that particular program. I'll let all of my referrals know about important updates concerning that program and if I decide to drop a program in my portfolio, I'll let my referrals know why. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Here is a new program that I'm testing out. I've been keeping an eye on it for several days. I joined and upgraded today. This program is in the test phase. You can sign up for free and check it out. The website says it officially opened on Feb. 14th. It actually opened several days before that and was paying out to people before the 14th. Egold only program. $1 per upgrade unit. Minimum Upgrade and Payout is just $1. There are no automatic payments, you have to make a request to cash out your money. Payouts are sent approximately 24 hours after request. Free accounts can not cash out earnings. If you have a problem or question about your particular account, you can write a post on the company forum and admin will address the issue or problem. I like that you don't have to wait for several weeks to receive money back from this program! You don't even have to wait a week! ___________________________________ Other programs in my Profit4you Portfolio. ___________________________________ Invest Place Gotta Lotta Hits ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After I send out this thread I'll email my 12 Daily Pro referrals to give them my take on things. I prefer to start focusing my forum threads on ways to make money rather than over analyzing things I have no control over. I'd rather spend my time making money rather than talking about situations that are out of my hands. But I did think the following updates, were important enough to include in my forum. So here's some updates that others wrote. Some things I'm editing to try to make them as short as possible. ________________________________________________ Feb.16/06 Stormpay update..The following is the response I got today from the BBB regarding my complaint with Stormpay. I wonder what kind of DD webmasters did on this company BEFORE they gave them access to millions of dollars? Thank you for contacting the Better Business Bureau concerning your complaint. In the past 36 months, the company you have filed your complaint against has been the subject of numerous complaints that the company has ignored. Please refer to our reliability report at for its history. BBB has forwared a copy of your complaint to the company - but we do not expect to hear from the company based on its past history of failing to respond. If you have any questions, please contact me. Sincerely, Christina Backus Service Representative BBB Community Mediation Center 615 250-1099 ________________________________________________ =============== STORMPAY NEWS I received the following message today from a fellow list manager. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Greetings Cafe Members, I just got off the phone after speaking with the FBI in Memphis, Tennessee who then referred me to the FBI agents in Charlotte, NC. The FBI agents in Charlotte told me they were only in the analyzing stages of looking into the scope of stormpay victims and trying to assess how many individuals have been affected. They denied any deeper involvement which has been alleged by Stormpay. They specifically denied freezing any funds at Stormpay, and specifically denied having anything to do with the chargeback issues at Stormpay. I felt during the conversations that the FBI were originally looking into the business practices of 12 Daily Pro, then suddenly a flood of complaints were being filed thru the FBI internet crime center in Memphis, TN. IC3 which all pointed at Storm Pay, Inc. This recent turn of events has caused the FBI to begin looking more exclusively at Storm Pay, Inc. and at this point they are trying to gauge the scope of Storm Pay, Inc. victims. They are asking for stormpay victims to contact their office there in Charlotte, NC to help them get a more accurate picture on the vast numbers of people effected by unauthorized fund transfers and frozen assets. Even if you are overseas and outside of the United States, at least let your complaint against Storm Pay, Inc. be heard thru their office. A plus for those taking a moment to do this is that the Charlotte office of the FBI will email you updates on any investigation and possible criminal charges against Steve Girsky and John McConnell if those occur. That would effectively remove the stormpay misinformation campaign being waged. FBI OFFICE South Tryon Street Suite 900 Charlotte, North Carolina (704) 377-9200 Special Agent in Charge: Kevin B. Kendrick Assistant Special Agents in Charge: Kenneth Moore, Robert Clifford InfraGard Program Telephone (704) 377-9200 Media Relations Telephone (704) 377-9200 I am sending this to as many of my contacts as I can and respectfully suggest you do likewise. Above all else, please do email the FBI with details of your account and any associated complaints. ________________________________________________ Feb 16, 2006 The fight goes on... It has been busy and I spent a lot of time gathering information. Things are just changing so fast it is hard to keep up to everything that is being said and done. Let’s start where we left off. February 1st Stormpay offers an ultimatum to all paid to surf programs to use StormPay exclusively or get out. 90% of the sites complied. February 3rd Stormpay froze the accounts of many of the autosurf sites. February 7th Stormpay empties the account of any user that is/was doing business with any of the autosurf whose accounts got frozen. Not only do they empty the members stormpay accounts they allegedly also go into actual bank accounts and credit cards for more funds. First most people were waiting to see how the autosurf owners and Stormpay battles it out but the action on February 7th caused an uproar that resulted in more then a 180 complaints to the Better Business Bureau in just one week. People also complained to the Consumers Protection Agency and the FBI. StormPay's site was off line for one day then returned for business just to go off again On Feb 10 and was still down on Feb 11. It has been confirmed that one of these agencies had conducted searches at the Stormpay Office but the name of the agency was not released. Stormpay had used the up and down time to change its terms which they should have pointed out to the members and prompt members to accept new terms before they continue with the service. This was obviously not done. So what happened? Stormpay is holding $50,000,000 of 12 Daily pro's money $ 6,900,000 of Alien Trust's money I estimate that they also hold about another $10,000,000 of combined money of the other autosurf sites that were frozen. That means that in total they have $70+ million frozen in accounts. Now this does not include the money that was taken from the individual accounts. Why would Stormpay want to sabotage a business that pays them so well? Most people do not care to even ask the question and those who do have only speculation to answer with. + + We have reports form all over that Stormpay had recently agreed to sponsor a dirt race track with a few million dollars. They are also heavily invested in the re-modeling of their building. Could that be the problem that Stormpay had spent our money on these investments and have no coverage of the dollars showing in hour accounts? If you remember the whole ordeal started with 12DP requesting a "large" amount of money form Stormpay to fund EMO. Large amount is a really vague expression. To me large amount is into the thousands but as I came to know the big players here are into millions. So while it is a wild guess, I believe that 12DP must have requested somewhere $1-2 million minimum. It seems absolutely logical to me that issuing the ultimatum to the autosurf industry seemed like a great solution. If most autosurf would stick with Stormpay (as they originally wanted to) then nobody would want to take money out and hence the problem of delaying the funding would be solved. But the autosurfing industry was not very happy with such solution so they said, we will comply and make our site Stormpay only but.. And I think this "but" became the reason for freezing the accounts. Most sites decided to open a sister site to their original site that they would make available for any payment processor but Stormpay. So in case of 12DP they still wanted to transfer out their millions and fund EMO. While I am not happy about the freezing of accounts I could justify it saying that Stormpay is getting an independent third party involved to check 12DP's business for legality before they release the funds and allow the operation to continue. But why was the third party not named? As far as I know it could have been NetIBA and we know how much that means. More on this later. The fact that the accounts are frozen for the period of the investigation is a legitimate and acceptable fact for me. But Stormpay starting refunds to members who did not request it from the frozen accounts is both illegal immoral. That was the first time I had started doubting Stormpay's motives. I had requested my little money out and waiting longer then usual for a confirmation. Instead I had my money wiped out and my account set to 0. Unlike most of you my money was charged back by Dadndaves. Immediately I had contacted Dave to verify he still had no access to his account and any charges made in his name had to be of StormPay. This was a low blow. Not only because they had a charge back but because they made it look like that the owners of the autosurf industry are going after money they had been previously paid to us. It had confused many. It also resulted in complaints against these owners which I am sure Stormpay will use out of context to show what cheaters these owners are. I have filed a complaint with both BBB and the Consumers Protection Agency. I also contacted my credit card company and requested a dispute of almost all charges made on my card. I did not want to hurt any autosurf companies. It is not that I believe they would cheat me or that they would not pay me back. But the information pouring out of Stormpay is turning into a big pile of lies which I can myself contradict with hard evidence. Information where they claim that the last payment from 12DP was Jan 8 based on their records and because of customer complaints they first froze the account. Well, I am living poof that 12DP had paid at least up to Jan 20th because that is the last payment I have received. (This above statement was made by a Newspaper and they have since corrected themselves saying they misheard what Stormpay was saying. Like I believe that!) Information that they froze the accounts and no money in or out will be accepted till the investigation is over yet 2 days later StormPay started refunds. Information such as a third party is investigating 12DP and it did not happen till all the complaints began against stormpay. There are a lot more and I will be adding it here as they come to mind. So knowing that Stormpay is dishonest just about everything and the constant reminder from them that there will be not enough money I came to the conclusion that StormPay has no interest in returning any money to any of the parties. In fact most of the emails state that Stormpay is preparing to handle the refunds themselves yet we still had no confirmation from any government agency that 12DP or any of the other sites had done something wrong. So how can Stormpay go from holding of funds to become jury and judge at the same time. They prosecute, convict and hand out resolution. I am not an accountant, I only work with about 50 sites lately but I can tell you keeping track of where how much and when takes me a few hours. So how can Stormpay decide in just 2 days that : 1 12DP or the other sites have not enough money to do any refunds (especially since they have no access to the member database or any of the other processors that these sites used to upgrade or pay) 2. How can they decide without hard evidence that a program is a ponzi. Mark my words the fight over the money will take at least 3 months but it would not surprise me if Stormpay could find ways to keep it tied up for at least a year. NetIBA: Well, this is a surprise for me. It is a surprise for me that most of you were not aware that they belong together. Stormpay and NetIBA I mean. When I joined NetIBA I was very clear of the connection but I did join and got verified for one reason, and one reason only. Money! If I am making thousands of dollars into my Stormpay account then why would I care that they trying to explain to me how they are a third party. I cared that they will charge 3% instead of the 7% from before. I had made that $20 back in the first transaction that went through. I know a lot of people out there did not join NetIBA because of principals. I am not saying that they were not right to do so. I simply say I rather loose $20 to their little game then a few thousands to their fees. Now if you still have not heard this is what's going on. This information is available at the BBB site Stormpay Info: StormPay, Inc 1690 Golf Club Lane Clarksville, TN 37043 Telephone: (931) 647-8750 Fax: (931) 647-8970 Principal: Mr. Steve Girsky , CEO Incorporated: July 2003, TN Entity: Corporation File Open Date: September 2002 TOB Classification: Online Payment Processor BBB Membership: This company is not a member. Additional company management personnel include: Mr. John R. McConnell, Jr. - Registered Agent John R. McConnell, Jr. is also listed in BBB files as the registered agent of NetIBA, Inc. BBB maintains a separate file on NetIBA, Inc. which is available, free, upon request. NetIBA, Inc. 2115 Ashland City Road Clarksville, TN 37043 Telephone: (931) 905-0112 Principal: Mr. John McConnell Jr, Registered Agent Incorporated: December 2004, TN Entity: Corporation File Open Date: September 2005 TOB Classification: Identification Bureaus BBB Membership: This company is not a member. Company Management John R. McConnell, Jr., is also identified in BBB files as the registered agent of StormPay, Inc. A separate file is available regarding StormPay, Inc., free, upon request. So what does that all mean. Well, it simply means that they are not independent as they were trying to sell it to you. That was a lie. And if you are not aware of the history of these two "gentlemen" then you should know that they were both involved with another company that became a startup for Stormpay. from the BBB reports: Government Actions On August 7, 2003, the Tennessee Securities Division of the Department of Commerce & Insurance issued an "Order to Cease and Desist" (file number 03-020) with TymGlobal, Inc., StormPay, Inc. and John R. McConnell, Jr. The order states that TymGlobal and StormPay are under common ownership and/or control. TymGlobal operates an internet website which is registered to StormPay. On the internet website, respondents are operating a pyramid and/or Ponzi scheme promising large returns on investments for participating in the scheme. The order further states that TymGlobal has not registered any securities offerings with the Division pursuant to Tennessee Securities Act of 1980. Nor has the company registered with the Division as a broker-dealer, agent of a broker-dealer or investment adviser. Also, the respondent StormPay has not registered any securities offerings with the Division nor has the company registered with the Division as a broker-dealer, agent of a broker-dealer, or investment adviser. John R. McConnell, Jr. has not registered with the Division as a broker-dealer, an agent of a broker-dealer or as an investment adviser. Potential investors were given the opportunity to invest in both partnership shares as TymGlobal as well as to participate in various Ponzi schemes. Respondents promised a high return. The offering of participation in the schemes sold by the respondents is an investment contract and thus, a security under the act. The Division ordered the respondents TymGlobal, StormPay and John R. McConnell, Jr to cease and desist the conduct of a broker-dealer in the state of Tennessee until such time as it effectively registers with the Division. The order did not intend to prohibit lawful conduct of the respondents. For additional information concerning this order, please contact Daphne Smith, Assistant Commissioner for Securities, State of Tennessee, Department of Commerce and Insurance, Suite 680, 500 James Robertson Pky, Nashville, TN 37243. ________________________________________________ End of updates. I didn't write any of these, I thought you would appreciate it if I passed it on so you can evaluate it for yourself.

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Re: * * * The BBB, FBI and Stormpay * * * Also NEW Program ~ Test for $1.
2/19/2006 9:39:00 AM
Interesting, Thanks for the update on StormPay Rip Off and 12DP, I appreciate it. Regards, Mike
Flag of David Ellison

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Re: * * * The BBB, FBI and Stormpay * * * Also NEW Program ~ Test for $1.
2/19/2006 10:19:14 AM
Thanks i have no funds since stormpay closed my account
Flag of Michael Rogers

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Re: * * * The BBB, FBI and Stormpay * * * Also NEW Program ~ Test for $1.
2/19/2006 12:59:25 PM
Hello Felicia, Wow! You have taken alot of time and hard work here, Thank you for this dedication my good friend. Hope you enjoy your Sunday respectfully,
Flag of Felicia Harris

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Re: * * * The BBB, FBI and Stormpay * * * Also NEW Program ~ Test for $1.
2/19/2006 4:06:20 PM
You're very welcome Mike. And thank you for visiting my forum!

I've enjoyed making money working from home for over 8 years. I have a real passion to show others how to do the same.

All members share in a revenue profit pool that is paid out several times a day! You don't have to sponsor to participate and earn. Get paid very well just for advertising your business. No daily sub commitment. Start with as little as a one time $2 ad. This site has a write up that explains what makes this income stream so unique. ~ ~

~ Register for free today. ===>>>

This income cash strategy paid me $500 the first week that I tried it. Since then it has paid me over and over again. Now it come with a free Marketing System. You can also access marketing resources and training to help you to build any business. You can be paid in 48 hours.~ ~ ~


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